The door opens, and we get in.

“Where are we going?”

“The Red Door. I figured I owe you dinner there, seeing as I walked out on you the last time we were at the restaurant.”

“Yes.” She turns to me as the doors close us in. “I should’ve realized then.” She shifts forward until her tits almost touch my chest. “You’re not a gentleman.”

I gaze down at her lips. “The warning signs have been there all along.” I hold back from taking her into my arms and giving her mouth a well-deserved lashing. “You just weren’t paying attention to them.”

“I was.” She touches my suitcoat collar, running her fingers slowly down it. “But remember”—she places her hand on my chest—“I don’t want nice.” Her eyes lift to mine. “I want you.”

Saved by a ding, the doors open. I hold my hand up to usher her out.

My eyes follow hers as she steps out of the elevator.

“Why don’t we concentrate on our date and not what we want.”

She walks out of the building alongside me. “You can do that.” I open the car door for her. “But while we’re making small talk, drinking and eating, the only thing I’m going to be thinking about is you” —she tilts her head back to grant me full access of her determined eyes— “ripping my clothes off.”

She gets into the passenger seat and looks up at me with another cheeky smile.

I slam the door closed. “Fuck.” I walk around the car, trying to convince myself not to take her back to her apartment and give her what she wants.

But it’s not going down like that. She needs to get to know me and I her. We owe it to ourselves to do that. We met under fucked-up circumstances. We need to make this right.

I press the start button of my car and stare straight ahead. “For the next two hours, please refrain from saying things like that.”

“Only the next two hours?”

I shift my head her way, finding her sexy, cunning eyes waiting for me. “Yes.”

“Sure.” She bats her long eyelashes. “I can do that.”

Chapter Seventeen

I lift my wineglass, unsure how I got him alone in my apartment again.

Yet here he is, sitting across from me at my kitchen table while giving me that gorgeous smile.

It’s the third time he’s shown it off tonight.

It’s a nice smile with a hint of sexy and mystery behind it. I want to know everything about him. Is he a coffee drinker? What’s his favorite food? Does he go for a run in the morning to stay in shape? If not, what does he do to keep his fine ass in shape? Does he prefer showers at night or in the morning? How many pillows does he sleep with? What kind of toothpaste does he use? Okay, maybe that doesn’t matter, but I want to know it all.

“So.” He rests back in the chair. His smiling, stormy eyes remain on me. “You mentioned earlier you have a good mom.”

“Oh-ho, she’s good.” I set my glass down. “But she’s also strict. My brother and I had the earliest curfew of all our friends, we weren’t allowed to have sleepovers, and I couldn’t date until I was seventeen.”

“Sounds like she was trying to protect you.”

“Yeah, I guess. You know that saying, ‘strict parents make the best liars.’” I grin. “Well, as strict as she was, she took the liar part away from me. Every month or so, my mom would ask me to water the garden with her, and while we were doing it, I was allowed to tell her anything, and I mean anything. It didn’t matter what it was. After I told her, I got a pass. I could tell her without any repercussion.”

His eyebrow lifts. “Did you tell her the truth?”

“Yes. Of course, I started with small things like how I poured the bacon grease down the drain and how I don’t always go to bed when the lights go out. Sometimes, I’d read under the blanket in my room.”

“Those are white lies.”

“Yes, but I had to test the water before I worked up to the skipping school and kissing boys.” I laugh. “Then there was getting drunk, and the time I smashed up the car.”