“I sure do. I like the challenge. Have you ever jogged in jeans, Officer Starr? It’s not an easy task.”

“I imagine so.”

He laughs. “I like you.”

I have to give the officer credit for tolerating him. From the looks of it, Brett wants to reach over and strangle his brother.

“So you were out jogging and…?”

“Some dude came up from behind me and knocked me over the head. I fought him, but he had a knife.” He lifts his shirt revealing sutures on his side.

I wince from the beefy red site. It’s going to leave a scar.

“Did you get to see his face?”

“No.” He lowers his shirt. “He had a hoodie on. It was dark.”

“Hmm.” She nods. “Did he take anything from you?”

“No, as I said, I fought back, and knowing what was good for him, he took off.”

“I see.” She stares at Lix for a long hard second. “This happened on Steller Road, correct?”


“Did you see anything else going on?”

“No. I was kind of busy defending myself.” He grins. “Why?”

“Around the same time you were attacked, we sent a car out for a domestic call on Steller Road.”

His head tilts. “Ah, so that’s why the cops were there so fast. What happened?”

“We’re not sure. When they showed up, no one was home. That’s why I asked if you saw anything.”

“No, sorry.”

She studies him for another moment. “All right.” She reaches into her jacket and pulls out a card. “If you can think of anything else, give me a call.”

Lix takes the card. “I’ll be sure to do that, Officer Starr.”

She scans each of us before leaving the small glass cubicle.

“Cole.” Lix’s smile diminishes. “I tossed a gun in one of the garbage cans. It was in front of a yellow house with, ah, shutters, blue. Yeah, they were blue. Who the hell thinks blue and yellow go good together?” He chuckles.

“I’m on it,” Cole says and leaves.

Arms crossed over his chest. Brett moves in. “You’re okay? It’s just the one knife wound?”

“Yeah.” Lix’s head falls back onto the pillow. “That’s it.”

“What happened?”

“I got there, but the victim wasn’t inside the house. No one was. So I headed out the back to case the yard. I was coming up to the front of the house when the fucker jumped me. We…” He pauses to glance at me. “We had a little discussion, and he eventually confessed that she had left. I was making my way back to my car when he caught up with me with the knife. Right after the fucker caught me in the side with it, I saw flashing lights, and he ran off.”

Brett’s eyes narrow. “You sure she wasn’t still there?”

“Like I said, we had a discussion. Believe me”—he chuckles—“he would’ve told me. I called, ah…” His eyes flash to mine. “Jane. She was going to look into it.”