“Okay,” I get up from my desk. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Thanks. Oh, and Cassie, please don’t tell my brothers about this. Okay?”

“I’ll see you soon.”

An hour later, I walk into the ER. I’m directed to hub 17. I see him in the bed through the glass door. He’s sitting up smiling at a young nurse fidgeting with his IV.

I slide the door open.

“Hey, Cassie.” He smiles, resting his head back on the pillow. “Meet my new friend, Kristen.” His head turns in the direction of the nurse. “Isn’t she beautiful, Cassie?”

“Hi,” the nurse says with a small smile.

“Is he okay?”

“Yeah, we gave him some morphine. That’s why he thinks I’m so beautiful.” The nurse winks at Lix. “I’ll be back in a little bit to see how his pain is doing.”

“Thanks.” I walk over to the bed, scanning his body, noting the bruises on his face, and the cut on his upper lip. “What happened, Lix?”

His smiling eyes move over my shoulder.

They darken.

“I told you not to call them,” he says between thinned lips.

I glance behind me. My eyes lock with Brett’s. Damn, the man is gorgeous. The storm in his eyes could knock a train off its tracks.

I turn back to Lix and lean in. “You told me earlier that for all of this to work, you and your brothers need to be honest with each other.” I stand and take a step back, allowing Cole and Brett to move in.

Their eyes do as mine had the second I entered the room.

They do a quick inspection of their brother.

Brett’s face hardens. “What the fuck—”

There’s a low knock on the glass, and we all turn around.

“Hello.” A police officer steps into the room. “I’m Officer Selina Starr.”

“Selina Starr? Wow, that’s a unique name.” Lix smiles, blatantly checking out the officer.

“I’ll tell my parents you said so.” She walks over to the bed.

“Selina.” Lix squints at her. “I believe that’s a Greek name for a star in the sky.”

The officer stares back at him for a second. “Are you okay, Mr. Daxon?”

“Call me Lix.”

“Licks? Well, it seems as if we both have unique names.”

“It’s Felix,” Cole says.

The officer glances at Cole, pulling a pad of paper and pen from her jacket. “I’m here to get your statement about what happened.” She returns her attention to Lix. “You were mugged?”

“Yeah, I was out for a jog—”

Her eyes slide down Lix. “You jog in jeans?”