He could’ve refused me. Said he was busy.

He owes me nothing.

I’m the one indebted to him. He gave me the opportunity to safely get out of an abusive relationship without involving the police, my family, or friends. I was able to keep them safe from Glenn and what he did to me.

Brett knows my secret.

Unlike anyone else in this world, he’s seen me vulnerable. He knows I’m breakable. He knows my strength and what it can withstand.

Or, better yet, how to crush it.

I’ll never let anyone hurt me like that again.

Still, when I’m around him, it’s as if he is my weakness.

“So…” I clear my throat. “Was that a call for your escort service?”

I watch his hand tighten on the steering wheel. “I thought we agreed not to talk about that.” He turns to me with a stern look.

“I don’t recall that conversation.” He might scare others with that expression, but it will not work on me.

“The topic isn’t up for discussion. Ever.” His eyes move back to the road. “What you saw that night, whatever you think you might know, forget about it.”


“Because” —his dark glare slides over to me— “women depend on it. So keep your mouth shut. Do you understand? You can’t ever talk about that night. Not with me or anyone else.”

Guilt sneaks inside me.

He’s right. He has every right to be hard on me.

I’m being selfish. What he does and what his brothers might be doing is important. I want answers, but I can’t search for them at the expense of other women who need him.

“I’m sorry.” I nod. “I won’t mention it again.”

We pull up to my apartment building.

“Thanks,” I say into the dark silence, waiting for him to offer me those piercing gray eyes.

They shift my way. The streetlight brings them alive as their glistening shine peruses my eager body.

I gaze back at him, unabashed. “Would you walk me to my door?”

The strong line of his jaw deepens. He glances at my building.

I see his fight.

I wait, holding my twisted guts where they belong in the pit of my stomach.

I don’t want him to leave.

I want just a little more time with him.

He reaches for the handle, gets out, and opens my door.

I smile up at him as I exit the car. He’s back to being dark and broody as we take the elevator to my apartment. I’m not deterred. It’s going to take more than that to shake me.

Readjusting the silk scarf around my neck, I exit the elevator. He follows me to the door.