My eyes find Mom’s. She smiles at me. It’s like I’m a kid again. Within her affectionate eyes, I feel loved and safe. She sacrificed so much for my brothers and me. For years, taking all the abuse, she tried to keep us safe. Until, one day, she wasn’t enough for the bastard, and he turned to us. Cole and I were always able to keep him from Lix. Only eight at the time, Lix came out unscathed.

Mom’s view doesn’t venture from mine as she lowers herself into the chair across from me. Eyes bright and smile warm, even in a dark place like prison, I’m thankful to see her.

“Hi, Mom,” I say, putting on a smile. “You look good. You did something different to your hair.”

“Yes.” She touches it with a faint amount of happiness. “My new cellmate, Jazmine, braided it for me. She’s a sweet girl. I like her.”

“It looks nice.”

“Thanks.” Her hand lowers as she glances at the snacks on the table. “You don’t have to keep buying me this stuff every time you come.” Her eyes lift to me.

“I don’t mind.” Fuck. I hate that she’s here. “We got a new lawyer looking into your case.”

“Brett,” her face toughens as it used to when Cole and I would fight over something stupid as kids. “I told you not to waste your money on another lawyer.”

“It’s not being wasted, Mom.” I set my hands on the table, clasping them together, prepared for the fight. “She’s really good. Give her a chance.”

“I’m almost done, honey.” Her eyes soften. “I only have a few more years to go. You need to stop spending money on lawyers for me.”

“I don’t care. I don’t want you here another day, let alone eight more years.” I sigh. “She’s sending the paperwork over. Just sign it. Okay?”

She takes a deep breath and releases it. “Fine.”

“Thank you,” I say, glad I don’t have to waste the visit on an argument.

“So…” She reaches for her soda. “What’s with your brother, Cole?”

“He’s good. Why?”

“When he came to visit last week, his face was all bruised. Did he get into a fight?” She holds the can, not opening it.

“Yeah, with a beam.” I laugh.

“A beam?” Her eyebrows cave. “I’m your mother, Brett. I know when you’re lying to me.”

“He’s all right, Mom. Honest. I’d tell you if there was anything to worry about.”

She stares at me for a long time. “And Felix?”

“He’s good too.” I arch an eyebrow. “You don’t still call him that, do you?”

“What? Felix?”

“Yeah, he goes by Lix. He doesn’t like being called Felix ’cause, ya know.”

Her nose wrinkles. “I know, but it sounds so, I don’t know, obscene?” She laughs.

“Believe me. It suits him.” I chuckle.

“Yeah, he’s my wild child.” She tilts her head with a small smile and glances around the room. “So I hear you boys landed a new job. Cole said it’s going to help the business get some recognition.”

“We’re doing a remodel on an old building for GrandMark. It’s a marketing company. They’re national, so yeah, it’s kind of a big deal.”

“That’s great. I’m so proud of you boys. And what about this woman Cassie?”

Taken off guard, my head jerks back.

“Yes. Your brother mentioned her as well.” She grins.