“Shut up,” I warn with a pointing finger.

“Seriously, you’re fucked.” Shaking his head, he moves over to pick up some drywall from the floor.

No, shit! Cassie Redmon is gutsy, sexy, intelligent, and determined.

I must stay away from her.

Chapter Nine

“Hi, Shelby. How are you?”

“Oh, my God! Cassie! I haven’t heard from you in nearly two weeks. So much has happened in the short time you’ve been gone. We signed on with a new printing company, and they just can't get the reds right. It’s like they have their settings on RGB or something. Oh, and Chad and Lucy. Yeah, they finally hooked up. Not that we didn't see that coming after the Christmas party and some guy stopped by the office the other day looking for you, he was hot, but he didn’t leave a card. Said he’d come back and speaking of hot. I heard your assistance Matthew is gorgeous—”

“Shelby,” I interrupt.


“You’re rambling.”

“Oh, sorry about that, boss,” she says with a giggle. “You know me. I always have something to say. What did you need?”

“Brochures. Can you send me the proofs from Amber Skin Care and, let’s see, Beauty Proxy? I have to meet up with a potential client and wanted to show off some of our stuff.”

“Sure, and how about TrueNorth Beauty. I love that one. The colors are amazing, the print was from our old company, and they’re getting a lot of exposure. Now tell me about that assistant, Matthew. Are you using him like you’re supposed to? In fact, shouldn’t he be requesting this stuff? I remember when I first started and you—”


“Yeah, boss.”

“You’re rambling again.”

“Well, if you didn’t wait so long to call me, I wouldn’t have so much to say. You could call just to chat. You know, I’m here for you.”

She’s always trying to be my friend, but I learned never to mix your personal life and business.

Although I’m breaking that rule for Brett Daxon, as messed up as it may be, we have history. Be it short or brief. It’s everlasting.

I need to know more about him. I’ll go to any lengths to do it.

“I know.” I smile, imagining her large brown eyes blinking up at me, waiting for an answer. “I’ve been busy getting set up here. Could you send the stuff to Matthew? I’ll text you the office address?”

“Will do.”

“So how's everything going out there?”

“All is good. I’m keeping your seat nice and warm. I met with Amber Skin Care yesterday, and they were impressed with the marketing strategies and reports. And I know I gave you pushback, but Kim is a perfect fit. She’s doing great as my assistant.”

“Glad to hear Kim is doing a good job keeping your seat warm.” I laugh. “I should be back no later than three months, and all of our asses will be in their rightful seats.”

“I can’t wait! Not that I’m not having fun running the show here. It’s been awesome, and everyone here is so helpful except Karen. I don’t know how you worked with her on a daily basis. I imagine myself stabbing her in the eye at least ten times a day, but—”

“Rambling,” I stress into the cell.

“Yes. I am working on that, but as I said, I haven’t spoken to you in weeks. Anyway, I heard the contractors are already in the place and moving fast.”

“Yeah, they should meet the projection date.”

“So how does it feel to be back in Florida? Hook up with any old boyfriends? Or any friends? Is it warm? I’ve never been to Florida, but people say it’s always sunny there. Oh.” A giggle comes through the cell. “I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”