“Holy shit.” Cole stands, mouth open with a hammer in his hand.

Lix and I follow his eyes.

They flash to me.

“Is that her?” Cole looks back at Cassie, making her regal way through the debris. “Bro, she’s fucking gorgeous.”

“Her? Who?” Lix moves over to Cole to see what he’s drooling about.

I pick up the piece of wood I just cut. “She’s the boss, Lix. So don’t get any ideas.” I toss him a firm look.

“Damn, she’s fine.” Lix nods.

I shove the wood at him. “Here.”

Without moving his eyes from Cassie, he grabs the piece of lumbar.

“Hi,” Cassie says, greeting us all with her beautiful crystal-blue eyes. They stop dead on me. “How are things going?”

“Good.” I step over some broken drywall on the ground and move toward her. “Miss Redmon, these are my brothers, Cole and Lix.” I point.

“Nice to meet you.” Cole shakes her hand, all gentleman-like.

“Hi, Miss Redmon. I’m Lix. That’s Cole.” Lix indicates with his head as he reaches out for her hand.

“Nice to meet you both, and please, call me Cassie.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lix says with a smooth smile.

“So your name is Licks?”

“Yeah, it’s short for Felix.”

“Oh, Lix. I get it now.” She smiles.

Fuck if that smile doesn’t brighten her entire face. I didn’t think she could be any more beautiful until she shot the thing at me in full bloom the other night while we were building the desk. And her laughter, it’s got to be the sweetest fucking sound my ears ever heard.

How did I not kiss this woman when I had the chance?

Her eyes sway over to me. “It looks like things are moving along great.”

“Yeah,” Lix jumps into the conversation. “This building has good bones.”

Cassie turns to him. “It was built in 1987 by a man named Clement Putnam.”

“It was a school for the blind, right,” Lix replies in a more not-trying-to-get-laid tone.

“Yes.” Her head tilts as she inspects my little brother. Most people don’t know there’s more than meets the eyes when they see him. He’s a good-looking kid, but he’s super smart as well. “That’s correct. They built a new one on Newkirk Drive. This one has been abandoned now for three years. You know your stuff.”

“I’m the demolition man of the crew.” Lix’s chest puffs out. “I like to know the history of what I’m tearing apart. Ya know, make sure I give it the respect it deserves. Putman built a few others in the area. They’re all sound buildings. Beautiful too. You picked a good one here.”

“I’m sure it’s going to be even more beautiful when you get done with it.” She smiles.

“Yes. It will.” Lix’s eyebrows flick with confidence. His eyes linger a tad too long.

Cassie’s smiling eyes move to Cole. “What happened to your face?”

“A beam hit it,” he says with a grin.