He takes them, keeping his other hand in the front pocket of his jeans.

His eyes settle on me. “You’re GrandMark’s marketing director, right?”


“And you’re overseeing the project of their new location?”

“I know.” I smile, understanding what he’s getting at. “It’s out of the norm, but when they heard I organized the opening at one of the companies I worked at, they thought I’d be a good fit to do this one. I’m still required to do my regular job of acquiring new accounts in the area.”

“Do you have family here?”

“No. I’m from California. My parents and brother still live there. I go home for most major holidays, but like you, I assume owning your own business, I’m work driven.”

His dark eyes cast over me, and his face hardens. “Why would you come back?”

“It was a good opportunity for me.” Then it hits me. “Oh, you mean Glenn?”

His eyebrow lifts.

“I’m not afraid of him. Yes. He hurt me. It was the first time a man ever did that to me. It was the first and last,” I stress. “But, believe me, it’s not the type of guy I’m trying to attract or anything. Once it started, it took me a few weeks to get out of it. But he’s an hour from here. He doesn’t know I’m in town, so it’s not like he’ll come looking for me.”

“Yeah,” he says, eyes fastened to mine. “I don’t think you need to worry about him.”

“I’m not.” I lift my chin. “He doesn’t scare me. I’ll never let anyone do to me what he did. It took me a year to overcome it. I went to counseling and met a lot of strong women. I’m ready to move on.”

“Good.” His steady gaze remains with me.

God! I could disappear in the storm lurking in his eyes.

“The one thing I haven’t done yet is date.” What the hell?

“That’s understandable.”

“Really? You think so?” I chuckle, tell that to my poor, overused dildo. “I haven’t been touched either, let alone kissed.”

I bite my bottom lip, so more desperate shit doesn’t come tumbling out of it.

I’m not sure why I confessed that to him.

It could be he’s standing here and listening with no apparent judgment etched into his gorgeous face. Or because he’s the only person, besides the group I was going to in New Hampshire, who knows what happened with Glenn. I never told my family or friends. I’m a handle-it myself kind of person.

At least, I thought I was until I went to the counseling. That’s when I realized what Glenn had done to me. It wasn’t something I could deal with on my own. I wasn’t just knocked around by my boyfriend. I was abused. It was real, and it happens to women more than it should.

I needed help, and my mom would’ve been proud of me because I asked for it. I went to counseling.

His eyes drop to my untouched lips.

I watch him gaze at my mouth. I forget for a moment what Glenn did to me.

I get lost in what it’d feel like to have Brett’s mouth pressed against mine.

To taste him. Feel him in a healthy way. In a way, a man is supposed to make me feel.

“Would you kiss me?” The words roll off my tongue as if it’s okay to say them aloud.

What the fuck! Why the hell did I say that? He probably thinks I’m desperate! I am, but…what was I thinking?

Shit! Okay. It’s out there. Too late to take it back. I keep my chin up high.