He hitches his thumb back. “I just finished the demolition at the Weaver job. You asked me to knock out the bathroom, remember?” He walks over, picks up my glass, and finishes the last few sips.

He lifts the bottle and stops to glance at us. “What the fuck is going on here?” He starts to pour the whiskey. “Oh, yeah.” He looks over at me. “Did we get the GrandMark job?” He picks up the glass and brings it to his mouth. “That was today, right?”

In one gulp, he knocks back the alcohol. He wipes his mouth with his plaster-dusted forearm, glancing from me to Cole.

“They just called,” Cole says, knowing I’m too pissed to talk to my little brother.

His drinking is getting out of hand. The asshole has Fridays and Mondays off from taking Julia’s calls. So he has a couple of nights to unwind.

We all want to fucking unwind.

Julia’s calls are more important than that shit. Yet we let the dickhead have his nights to get shit-faced.

“Yeah,” Lix says, nodding his head. “So we got it?”

“No, Felix. We didn’t get it,” I say between clenched teeth, knowing he hates being called by his full name.

It’s our father’s. The fucker decided to give it to the last son born.

Lix’s eyes narrow.

Cole walks over to him, grabs the glass from his hand, and pours himself a drink. He takes a sip and turns to Lix. “Brett has to meet with them tomorrow.”

“Sounds promising.” Lix shrugs. “I’m going to take a shower. I’ve got a date tonight.” He grins and leaves the office.

I point my finger at Cole. “Don’t mention anything to him about this.”

“I won’t.” He sets the glass down. “I never told him. Did you?”

“Fuck no. I trust the little shit with my life, but it’s best to keep him out of it.”

“Good. Yeah, I know you had a hard time bringing him on board with Julia’s calls, but Willa says he’s good. He gets the job done, and the women have no complaints. They trust him.”

“I don’t get it.” I shake my head.

“So you gonna be okay with tomorrow? Want me to go with?”

“No. I have to handle this shit. Besides, she said she wanted to meet with me and only me.”

“Yeah. That’s some shit.” Cole picks up his toolbelt. “What if she wants to talk about it. Ya know, about that night?”

“I’ll deal with it.”

“Yeah, all right. I’ll see ya later.” He leaves the office, leaving me to think about it.

What if she brings up the night I escorted her out of her house?

What if she asks about her abuser?


At least, I know I don’t need to worry about him coming after her.

Chapter Five

“Thank you.” I smile at the server as she hands me my second glass of wine.

It’s helping.