“Okay.” His eyes slide to me. “I got it.” He wags a finger. “I’ll just take over from here. You won’t need to see her again. If she’s going to blow you in, she already knows your name. We’re already fucked there. We’ll deal with it. But”—his eyes light up—“if she doesn’t, if she decides to go with us for the job, then I can meet with her. I’ll do it.”

I set my elbows on the desk and clamp my hands together. Resting my chin on them to consider what he’s saying. He stares at me, waiting for a reply.

My cell interrupts my thinking.

I glance at the number, not recognizing it. I lift a finger. “Yeah?”

“Hello, is this Mr. Daxon?”


“Hello, Mr. Daxon, my name is Matthew Yates. I work for GrandMark. Miss Redmon asked me to call you. She’d like to meet you at The Red Door for dinner tomorrow at six to discuss your proposal.”

Shit! I stare up at Cole. “Unfortunately, I have a prior engagement tomorrow, but I can have my contractor supervisor, Cole Daxon, meet with her.” I nod at my brother, knowing he’ll kill me if I let the job go, and he’s correct. If she’s going to blow me in, there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Okay, could you hold one moment, please?”

“Sure.” I cover my hand over the cell. “It’s GrandMark. She wants to meet with me tomorrow to discuss the proposal.”

“Set it up. I’ll go.” He nods.

“Mr. Daxon, sorry about that. I just spoke to Miss Redmon, and she insists that she meets with you and only you. Shall I tell her you’ll be there?”

What the fuck! What am I going to do? I look at my brother’s hopeful eyes. Shit! I need to answer the guy on the phone. Whatever I do next, I know it’s going to fuck me either way.

“You can tell Miss Redmon I will be there.”

“I’ll be sure to do that. Thank you, Mr. Daxon. You have a good night.”

“Yeah.” I click the cell off.

“Well?” Cole’s eyebrow lifts. “What happened?”

“She’ll only fucking meet with me.”

“Fuck.” Cole’s shoulders drop.

“Yeah.” I lift the bottle and fill the glass again.

“What are you going to do?”

“What do you mean? I’m going to go. You said it. We need this job. This shit was bound to happen.” I shake my head.

Why did it have to be her?

Strong, brave, beautiful her.

“We’ll figure it out,” Cole says with a confident jab of his head.

“What’s to figure out? I went there that night. It was me. Now she’s back, and he’s dead.”

“You don’t think she’s going to go looking for him. Do you?”

“I don’t know.”

The door swings open. “Hey, big bros of mine,” Lix says, walking through the door covered in drywall dust and dirt. “What’s going on?” He looks at Cole and me.

Seeing the gloss in his eyes, I grimace. “Where were you?”