“Sure.” I shrug.

“Okay,” she slowly says, sounding surprised, spying at me from the corner of her eye as we enter my flat. “Just leave the groceries on the counter.” She smiles, gazing at me like she never wants to let me go, and I’m good with it.

And I’m good with meeting her parents. I want every part of her.

“Go take a shower.” She sets her bag on the counter. “I’ll put these away.”

“I can help.”

“Teamwork.” She pats me on the chest. “You go wash that sexy body of yours, and I’ll work on making something to feed it when you’re done.”

“Okay.” I grab her around the waist and pull her to me. “But I got dessert. I have something delicious in mind for you tonight.” I kiss her and head for the shower.

She swats me on the ass. “Tease.”

I get out of the shower, toss on a pair of jeans, and head into the kitchen. She’s pulling condiments out of the fridge. I watch her for a few seconds, thanking my lucky stars she picked me.

She stayed not only in my heart but in my life.

“Hey,” I say.

She looks up at me, and a few strands of her hair fall over her face. She blows them away, setting the mustard on the counter. “Yeah?”

“I got you a gift today.”

She tilts her head and squints at me. “What?”

Her cheeks pinken. I like that I put it there. I plan to do it again later tonight.

I pull my hands from behind my back and hold up her gift.

“Brochures!” She claps her hands together and squeals like I just gave her diamond earrings or something.

She gallops over and snags them from me. She opens them. “They’re beautiful. Look at all the colors.” She runs her hand over the paper. “I don’t think I have paint brochures. They’re amazing.”

I laugh. “Seeing as you’re here most of the time, I thought you could add a little color to my walls.”

“What?” Her eyes pop to mine. “I know I’ve been here a lot. I’m sorry. I don’t want to go back to the apartment. Not since what happened with Glenn and—”

“Cassie.” I touch her arm. “I understand. You’re welcome here whenever you want. In fact, I was going to give you a key, and if you wanted to move your stuff in here until you figure shit out, or whatever, I’m good with that too.”

“Like move in?”

“Sure.” I shrug. Although, I hadn’t thought about it until just now. But yes. Like meeting her parents, I want to wake up with her every morning. I want to be blessed by her beautiful eyes every day. “But I have to talk to my brothers.”

“Of course, you should ask them.”

“No.” I chuckle. “I don’t need their permission. I just don’t want them to think if we’re together that I won’t be taking Julia’s calls.”

“Yes.” She lowers the brochure. “They seem to be passing by your turn.”

“Are you going to be okay with it? It’s a lot to ask, and I’d understand if it’s too much.”

“No.” She rests her hands on my shoulders like they belong there. And they do. “I told you before I’d never ask you to stop.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Never?”

She tilts her head and gazes into my eyes thoughtfully. “Well.” She bites her bottom lip. “There’s only one thing I can think of that might change my mind.”