Page 30 of Quiet Chaos



Somehow, the sound of my phone managed to break through the muffled moans and groans of my husband’s bathroom sideshow. I picked up after seeing it was Desiree.

“You okay?” I answered.

“Hello to you too, and yes, I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” Desiree asked, giggling.

“I’m checking because these damn big ass men we married may decide to eat us alive.”

She was full-on laughing now.

“I was actually calling to check on you and to let you know that Ray Junior is better. They want to keep him for a few more days,” she said. She was taking turns with his girlfriend, staying at the hospital.

“I’m glad he’s better because I promised him an ass whipping after he’s recovered.”

“And I’ll be standing there coaching your technique because he needs one. Now, back to you, how are you, really?

“I’m…” I couldn’t lie because she could usually tell when I did. Her calling me on the cusp of the incident that had just gone down in my household wasn’t a coincidence. Sometimes it was like we could tell when shit was going down with each other.

“I assumed I was ready for marriage, but I’m starting to understand why married women drink so much wine.”

“What happened, Mecca? Arjen didn’t do anything crazy, did he? And, what’s that sound I keep hearing? Are you watching porn or something?”

“I came home to my husband and found him with a little playmate up in this damn house, giving him a massage. I dragged the bitch off of him and halfway down the stairs before he could stop me. He thought I didn’t want him, so he figured I wouldn’t have minded.”

“Oh my God, Mecca! You didn’t hurt her, did you? What about him? Where’s he? Is that him groaning in the background? Is he hurt? I’m putting on my shoes and coming over?”

“Des, please stay put. The situation is over. The woman got her ass out of here, and that crazy ass husband of mine is in the bathroom, jacking himself off.”

“What!” Desiree yelled into the phone.

“You heard me. Talking about how he has needs. He was acting like he would die if he didn’t get some sex in his system. His spoiled ass needs to walk a mile in my shoes. The underwhelming sex, left wound-up tighter than a wristwatch with no relief in sight, picking and choosing from the worst of the worst. And some of the time, can’t get turned on because I’m not even attracted to the fool I was desperate enough to choose.”

“I’m sorry, Mecca,” Desiree offered.

Had it been a month ago, she would have been in full agreement with me because we had both been unlucky in the man department. I continued my venting, knowing my cousin would listen and not judge.

“He had the nerve to ask me what he was supposed to do for sex if he couldn’t have other women, and I wasn’t giving it to him. I told him to use his fucking hands until I was ready.”

“No, you didn’t,” she choked out between a laugh. “And he listened?”

“Damn right, he listened. After I dragged his bitch down those stairs, I think he knows damn well not to bring another woman around my crazy ass. I promised him that he was next if he tested me.”

Desiree’s laughter was so loud, I had to move the phone away from my ear for a few seconds.

“Are you guys going to be okay? Seriously, do we need to come over?”

The loud orgasmic growl coming from the bathroom had me shaking my head. I was married to a fucking teenager.

“No. Let me worry about my husband. He’s not used to being handled. Apparently, women don’t tell him no enough. He will be all right.”

Her girlish giggle sounded again. Desiree had never sounded that gleeful and happy.

“I can tell by the spark of glee in your voice that ‘the Kannibal’ is over there eating you up any way you want it.”

Her low moan was all the answer I needed. The shower was running in our bathroom now, so Arjen was washing up after his little sex deprivation tantrum.