Page 27 of Quiet Chaos

“Mecca, let her go! Mecca!” Arjen yelled. He attempted but was unsuccessful at pulling the woman from my grips. She was clamped into the jaws of a pit bull, and I wasn’t letting her go until I was ready.

Talking while dragging the woman had my words choppy and breathy, but I slung them across my shoulder at Arjen, anyway. I paused my movement to glare at him.

“How dare you bring a bitch in this house and think I would be okay with it? Have you lost your fucking mind?”

The woman continued to fight to get away, scratching and clawing. She started to hammer-fist the hell out of my arms in her attempt to break free, but her licks didn’t register.

Arjen threw up his hands and appeared genuinely afraid for the woman. His big eyes and pleading voice had no effect as he glared between her and me. He crept closer, arms reaching, eyes bouncing between us like a cop in the midst of a hostage negotiation.

“Mecca, let her go so we can talk about this.”

“Awww! Arjen help! Let me go!” She continued to scream.

“Shut the fuck up. You need to think twice before you go prancing around with married men. Let this be your lesson,” I schooled her, leaning down to make sure she could hear my words. My harsh breaths blew through the loose strains of her hair as my chest heaved.

I cocked a warning gaze at Arjen before I proceeded to drag her through the doorway and down the short expanse of the hall that led to the top of the stairs. Arjen was right on our trail, tugging at my arms and shoulders, pleading for me to stop, but his words and efforts were useless.

When I got her to the edge of the staircase, I didn’t think twice about my next move. The steps I took should have been wobbly since I was in heels, but they were steady as I proceeded to dragging her ass down the stairs.

Arjen was at my back, I believe attempting to pick me up, but all I could hear was the bitch’s tail bone thumping down every step, the impact jolting me. Arjen’s yelling hardly broke the surface of my rage.

“You’re next motherfucker,” I tossed back at him across my shoulder as he attempted to find a way around us to stop me. The guard stood at the foot of the stairs, undoubtedly shocked, eyes as wide open as his mouth. He was forbidden to touch me if I wasn’t in danger, so he couldn’t stop me any more than my husband could.

When we made it to the cliff of the staircase, Arjen found a way to jump across us. The woman was flailing about, and I had curse words firing off like fireworks.

“They picked the wrong one to fuck with,” I mumbled. “Think I’m supposed to let some fucking shit like this slide. Fuck…that!”

“Mecca please let her go,” Arjen whispered harshly. He somehow pried my hand from her head, and pieces of what I think were extensions were stuck between my fingers. If they weren’t extensions, she could look forward to one hell of a headache.

“Mecca, please calm down,” his voice eased into my ear as he readjusted and gripped me in a strong hold from behind. The woman continued to cry out in the background, but her words were chopped apart by her cries.

“Julie, go home!” he yelled towards the woman as he continued to keep my amped-up body in his tight hold. I didn’t fight him. He probably outweighed me by a good hundred pounds and was a foot taller.

“That’s right, Julie, take your hoeing ass home and think about what else I could have done to you. Consider yourself lucky.”

Those were the parting words I gave her as she limped down the rest of the stairs clutching the railing until she made it to the waiting guard.

She hobbled across the living room aided by the guard who cupped her arm like he was helping an old lady across the street. Her clothes were torn and disheveled, and her hair was all over her head, revealing that I had done more damage than I’d realized. My eyes fluttered closed as my rage refocused on the big overgrown asshole with his arms locked around me.

“Arjen. Let me go. Right fucking now,” I demanded, my voice calm but deadly.

“Only if you stay calm,” he replied.

“You got some nerve, asking me to stay calm, you son of a drunk bitch!”

He tsked. “So beautiful with a wicked tongue and beastly temper. Calm, love, stay calm.”

“I’m going to show you all the calm in the world, as soon as you let me go,” I hissed between gritted teeth.

“No, you’re not.”

A sharp gasp escaped when I was lifted and tossed swiftly across his sturdy shoulder before he carried me back up the steps. And if being manhandled wasn’t shocking enough, he smacked me across the ass to prove he had all the control. He was so damn tall that my inverted positioning gave me a view of the moving floor below that appeared about a mile away.

Stunned, I couldn’t find my voice to protest. He proceeded through our bedroom door, ducking to ensure he didn’t scrape my back and ass against the top of the door frame.

He stopped at the foot of our bed, and stood there, contemplating releasing me from the cage of his hold. My breathing remained harsh, but it had leveled off a bit.

“I’m going to put you down, but you have to promise to be calm. Promise me, Mecca,” he demanded.