Page 22 of Beautiful Chaos

Mecca seemed almost giddy from the information she was spilling.

“The Vallins are members of the Ferali Syndicate, which takes their status to a whole different level in the criminal world. Once we marry them, we will also be marrying into the organization, and based on what I’ve found out, it’s run better than any Fortune 500 company. It’s not a nationwide organization. It is worldwide, making it one of the biggest organized crime syndicates in the world.”

She leaned in, causing me to draw closer for more of her enlightening information.

“In order for the brothers to marry us, they had to petition the organization for a majority vote. What we are about to embark on is much bigger than your father let on. Members of the Ferali Syndicate are virtually untouchable. Some believe the syndicate itself is a myth. Think about it. Do you ever see anything about them in the news, any arrests, anything?”

I shook my head. “No. I only know about them because of my father’s association with them.”

“Exactly. They are like the Illuminati of crime syndicates.” Her eyes flashed with glee, and a touch of pride even sat on her face.

“So, this is a good deal for us, for the Black Saints?”

She nodded. “I’m not sure how Uncle Raymond pulled this off, but for the Black Saints, this deal levels us up.”

“Doesn’t this put us in more danger than we’re already in, being Evans?”

“Not really. They don’t have a spotlight on them, are probably ten times richer, and therefore, the level of protection is better. Hence, why we already have bodyguards and haven’t even taken their names yet.”

Her face crinkled in concern as distress stiffened my body. “Des, we didn’t ask for this life. Hell, you tried to get out of it. If we are going to be in danger, we may as well be in it with a family that are members of the founding fathers of danger.”

“It makes sense, but looking at it from my perspective, I’ll no longer enjoy the freedom to walk away or distance myself like I did being an Evans.”

Mecca cast a sympathetic gaze in my direction. I needed to change the subject as the idea of losing a little more freedom darkened the good mood I wanted to keep.

“So, what happened after you confronted your Vallin appointed bodyguard, introducing yourself with a gun, no less?”

Her smile spread, transforming into a devious grin.

“I told him I would let him do his job, but to stay the fuck out of my way. I also warned him that I work in and travel to areas where his white life might be on the line, and I wasn’t going to stop shit from going down if his presence stirred up trouble.”

An evil little grin filled her face, revealing that she had been up to some mischievous deeds.

“What did you do?” Her smile deepened. “Mecca?”

“I drove my ass down to the Highland Parks Projects and checked our trap house like I normally would. I was not going to change my routine because my protection was the wrong color. Hell, I’ve been protecting my own ass since I was a kid. What I look like getting a babysitter now?”

“Was he crazy enough to follow you into those projects? The cops don’t even go in there.”

She released a wicked little giggle. “He did. Followed me right on in there like his ex-military training was all he would need.”

“What happened once he followed you in?” I was on the edge of my seat now.

“Fuck if I know. He followed, and I didn’t wait around to see if he made it out of there alive. If he were smart, he’d have known not to follow me in. If he were as well trained as he appeared to be, he would eventually have made it out of there. All I know is, today, a different guard was following me, this one, big and black.”

“Mecca!” I whisper-yelled, not believing she had possibly led her bodyguard to his death.

“Don’t you Mecca me. Your father got this ball rolling. I’m playing my part because it’s good for business. However, if these gun-dealing brothers think they are going to tame me, they can think again. I don’t care who they are connected to.”

I placed my hand atop my cousin’s. For the first time, I felt bad for Khane. Mecca wasn’t loud and obnoxious vocally, but she didn’t bite her tongue and was a magnet for stirring up trouble. Her nickname was quiet chaos, telling of her nature.

“I like Khane,” I blurted, breaking into whatever wicked little ideas were floating around in Mecca’s brain. “I sense that he is as dangerous as the rumors make him out to be, but in person, he is quiet and patient. He cooks and actually listens to what I have to say. You might have a little trouble getting him to talk, but other than that, I think he would make a good husband.”

“Quiet, I can understand. But cooking?” She wrinkled her nose at the idea. “What about all that killing they say he’s done? I thought he would be all weird and deranged, stalking you while you slept and standing over you with a knife, while he talked himself out of cutting you into pieces.”

Mecca’s words caused me to shiver. “Damn. Way to make me feel safe.” She flashed a teasing grin. I wasn’t telling her that I sensed being watched while I slept, but not in the deranged way she was describing. I squeezed her hands.

“So, tell me what’s been going on in Mecca’s world?” I needed to change the subject before she read me like she normally did and found out I was crushing on her fiancé. Besides, I didn’t want to spend our time together talking about the one thing I had been failing to get a hold of.