Page 94 of Roots of the Wicked

“The lack of testosterone has not only affected you physically, but it has also weakened your mind, which has never been fed anything but bullshit. My words are probably echoing in the void you call a brain right now. It’s blaringly obvious you want your brother’s life, but you don’t have enough balls to take it. Since you don’t have the cojones to take his thunder or to even replicate yourself a copy, all you have left is your misguided opinions and your imprudent judgement.”

Chase shook my shoulder, attempting to stop me as Blake sat frozen, too stunned to spit out a word in response. “Jax. He’s not worth it.”

The sound of everyone’s breathing became amplified like microphones sat at their mouths and noses. Every eye was locked on Blake, including mine. Olivia had frozen in place behind Tonya with the serving tray in her gloved hands, her eyes aimed at Blake.

Blake sat taller in his chair; his jaw clenched so tight he was a second from chipping a tooth. Chase sat as stunned as the rest of his family, his hand gripping my arm in a tight hold like he was afraid I was going to get up and attack.

Blake reared back in his chair with a stiff neck and astonished eyes. His voice roared across the table. “How dare you talk to me that way? You are beneath me.”

He glared in his father’s direction, his chest puffed out like a prize winning rooster. “Dad, aren’t you going to say anything? I’m doing what you would normally do in a situation like this.” All eyes pivoted to James. “You know damn well if she was associated with me, you would have found a way to get rid of her.”

“Stop talking Blake.” James rigid tone had us all glancing in his direction. “You still don’t know when to close your mouth. We’re here to enjoy dinner. Let us.” James sipped his tea like the matter had been handled, but Blake blatantly cut his eyes at his father and returned his attention to me.

What was his problem with me that he would defend Chase? Based on what I gathered of their relationship, Blake spent a lot of his time plotting against Chase to gain control of the company. Did he not like me that much? Why?

Olivia raced toward the door, either to get out of the line of fire, or she was in a hurry to get whatever she intended so she could return and witness more drama.

James appeared to be amused by the sparring contest Blake wanted, and I fully intended to give him one. Tonya’s facial expression surprised me. A smirk rested on her face, as she stared between me and her husband. She had even leaned forward, like she didn’t want to miss a word.

Blake’s ugly scowl called to my anger. He wasn’t done. His father was right, he didn’t know when to shut up. He had an unrelenting will to get me upset. Was he in some way getting a thrill out of the harsh words I lobbed at him?

“You’re the kind of low-class trash that thrive on men like us to increase your social status. I come from a family of wealth. I have a name, so I’ll always be more than you. You are nothing other than a no class charlatan who has poisoned my brother and maybe even my father, but you don’t fool me. I don’t intend to sit idly by and say nothing while you manipulate your way into this family.”

“Jax. He’s not even worth the energy,”the voice in my head said. Head-voice be dammed because I wasn’t listening. I couldn’t stop the words gathering on my tongue like poison, as I prepared to reply to the insults Blake had spit out.

“All you’ll ever have is a name, Blake. Instead of worrying about your brother’s life and my actions, you should be working on a plan to build yourself one. One that doesn’t involve jealousy and self-hate. As soon as Chase and I leave this house, you will slink back into the cesspool of darkness you crawled from and fade away. No one will see you; no one will hear you; no one will miss you, and no one will even care that you’re not there. Your opinion means about as much as an old dog’s waning bark. You mean nothing.”

My words sailed toward Blake, the harshness of them leaving his face red and tight with biting anger. I was leaning so far across the table Chase had both his arms around my shoulders.

Blake had touched a nerve, a live wire I had juiced with maximum wattage. I didn’t realize I was in tears, until they were sliding down my cheeks. Hot angry tears. Why was I allowing this man to wreck my nerves? How could I let his meaningless opinion reduce me to tears?

Blake’s severe gaze landed on everyone at the table, I believe wondering why no one raised a voice or jumped in to defend him. When he was done eye-slapping his family, he looked back to me. Chase had released me from his hold, but his strong hand kept a grip on my arm.

The hate between me and Blake was real, strong enough to bend chromium. The man didn’t want me with his brother, or anywhere near his family. What was it about me that vexed him?

Chase reached out and covered the hand I had fisted on the table. His caring caress lingered there, until my hand was cupped inside his. Blake glared exceedingly long at our interlocked hands. When I spotted the searing jealousy in his eyes, I had found my answer. Blake wanted this. I made his brother happy and, worse, his brother reciprocated my feelings.