She looked gorgeous, and her skin was alive with a natural glow, making her more beautiful than I remembered. However, the stress behind her eyes told me she hadn’t been sleeping.
Our short dinner date, the caring glint in her eyes when she had taken my hand, even her apology, it all drew me right back into her world. I was more determined than ever to find out what was wrong.
Her words resonated, the ones about us not returning to our relationship, but I had chosen to ignore them. I wasn’t letting her go again. I had waited long enough. If she hadn’t shown up tonight, my next move was to waltz into her apartment like I paid the rent there. There wasn’t a doubt about what I wanted, and I was willing to risk anything to get it.
I’m sure she received my response to her demand that we not return to our relationship, loud and clear, while I was kissing her.
A few days later, a glance at my watch showed me and Chase had been talking for nearly two hours. A knock at my door startled me, and I prayed it wasn’t TK. I didn’t feel like entertaining, talking, or putting in investigative work. All I wanted was to keep talking to Chase, since an active threat and fear was keeping me away from him.
“Chase, hold on, there’s someone at my door.”
“It’s too late for someone to be at your door. If it’s not Lena, tell them to go away.”
I laughed at him as I ambled to the door. A quick peek had me grinning from ear to ear as I sprang the door open and clicked off my phone.
“Chase? What are you doing here?”
Instinctively, I peeked around his sturdy shoulder.
He didn’t say a word. Instead, he stepped in, closed and locked my door and turned to face me. His lips were on mine so fast, I had no choice but to give in. We were in so much trouble.
Less than five minutes later I was spread out across my coffee table with Chase kneeling before me, making me call on the lord with the reverence of an over-zealous choir member.