He squeezed my hand. “Jax, I apologize for what has happened. It was never my intention for you to get hurt or caught up in my drama. I need to know that you’re okay.”
“After a week the hype died down. Caps, shades, and baggy clothes, or taking scenic routes have been working to keep me discreet so far.”
He blew out a breath, pleased that my life was once again manageable. His hand clung to mine tighter. “What about us? You think we still have a chance?”
I swallowed, unsure now that I was so close to him, touching him. His pitiful gaze was making me weak.
“Please, Jax. I can’t lose you because some jealous person doesn’t want us together. I promise you, I haven’t, and I won’t, stop searching, until I find out who did this. I understand how badly being exposed hurts you. Is there anything I can do to make things better? Is there anything you need me to do?”
My hand tightened around his because I know he was sincere.
“Thank you. I believe you will do what it takes to find out who did this, and I’ll help you. However, we can’t get back together. We can work together to find out who did this to us, but we can’t fall back to where we were. Being with you puts me at serious risk for more exposure.”
He didn’t reply but gave a defiant glare, letting me know my words had gone in one ear and out the other.
Was this the right time to tell him the latest threat, wreaking havoc in my life since we’d been apart? Besides, seeing him at all, was a risk.
“Chase, I’m—” I was too fucking nervous. “I didn’t stay away from you because I didn’t want to be with you. I was afraid. I—” I glanced at my phone sitting on the table before me and stopped talking. It was too soon to put the weight of another situation on top of what we were already dealing with.
“What is it? You can tell me anything Jax.”
I shook my head. No, I was keeping my issues to myself. Telling him could spark a firestorm of a different kind. I had to stay away from Chase. It was for the best that I did.
We enjoyed a nice dinner, but I didn’t miss the questions in his eyes. Chase knew something was up. The way his gaze kept probing me. The way he kept studying my every move.
His behavior was reminiscent of the first day we met. He had studied me across that table like he knew something I didn’t. He wasn’t going to leave me alone until he knew what I was keeping from him.
He followed me to the door. When I reached for the doorknob, he placed his hand over mine, stopping me while boxing me in. If I turned and looked at him, it was over. He was too close. He smelled too good. He felt like my own personal heaven.
“Jax,” he called, his voice vibrating off my flesh and touching a few of my hot zones.
“Yes.” I still hadn’t turned around.
“I need you to turn around and look me in the eyes. I want you to see the truth of my words.”
Reluctantly, I turned. His serious gaze locked with mine as I fought to get myself under control.
His fingertips slid up my forearm, leaving a trail of goosebumps, that prickled like hot whispers against my skin. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, what he had the ability to do to me. Nipples, hard. Pussy, wet. Neck pulse, every pulse, pounding.
“You’re not telling me everything. I’m not going to rush you but call me when you’re ready to talk.”
He paused.
“And, Jax—”
I think I said yes. My eyes had dropped to his lips as I stood shivering with anticipation.
“Let me give you something to remember me by.”
He didn’t give me time to reply because his sexy lips were on mine and his heat seeking tongue was stroking the inside of my mouth. His strong hands roamed, causing my body to react to each stroke, swaying and bending to savor every squeeze and caress.
By the time he turned me loose and open the door, I could hardly walk, and he had thrown my vision off by a degree or two.
Jax hadn’t allowed me to escort her back to her house, but nothing was going to stop me from inserting myself back into her life. I was convinced she needed me, whether she admitted it to herself or not. It also appeared she had wanted to tell me something, but was continuing to be her hardheaded self.