Page 31 of Roots of the Wicked

Chapter Fifteen


When Jax motioned me farther into the bed with the flick of her hand, I eagerly complied. She reached into her drawer and withdrew a condom before she climbed in.

Standing, she stepped across me with those sexy gold heels straddling my body. The bed springs protested her movement, but she conquered the bobbing springs like she was planning to conquer me.

She stood at my chest, reached down and gripped the widest edge of my tie. I swallowed a yelp when she planted the heel of that golden stiletto in my chest. When she stood upright, the tie tightened around my neck and the heel dipped painfully into my flesh, I believe, scraping the tip of my rib bone as she peered down. Every stance she had taken since we met tonight was one of authority.

Her eyes were an ocean of power, coupled with the authoritative stance that she held, daring me to protest. When she released my tie and removed the heel from my chest, I breathed, realizing, I had been too awed or excited, to breathe properly. A deep pink impression was left in my chest along with a stinging ache that fed my eagerness.

She produced the condom, placing it between her lips as she bent, positioning herself so her sexy ass hovered above my thighs. My dick took on a mind of its own, rising to lick at her heat.

Her fingers raked up my thighs and caused my dick to stiffen, like she had injected it with a straight shot of magic. Her fingers danced along the grooves of my abs and over my taunt nipples, while reaching all around the hardest part of me. The condom remained planted between her lips as she teased me.

“You have a nice body, Chase.” She spoke around the condom like it wasn’t sitting pinched between her sexy lips.

“Thank you.” My choppy words spoke of how worked up she had gotten me.

“Where did you get all this dick?” I swallowed hard, unable to answer when the tip of her finger brushed the leaking head. Her teeth bit into the condom wrapper as she pinched one edge with her fingers and ripped the wrapper apart.

My mouth gaped, and I tensed when she sat the condom in the wide O she formed with her mouth.

She is not about to put that condom on with her mouth.

The muscles in my stomach and neck stretched as I fought to get the best view. Of all the drunken, back seat, anywhere we could get it started sex I’d had, I had never had this done to me. When her hot mouth slid the condom over the head, I jerked and gripped a chunk of the bedding to steady my frenzied movement.

In order to unroll the condom, she would have to back her warm mouth up and slide it back down. My tongue licked hungrily across my lips. My ragged breaths escaped, causing my chest to bob in time with my frenzied heartbeats.

My dick stood, strong and stiff, like an armed missile readying itself for takeoff. I had been bluntly informed that I had a “porn star dick,” so I was anxious to see how far down she would shoved the condom with just her mouth.

I craned my neck to capture her every move. The moist heat of her mouth sliding along my dick felt like she was blanketing me with the warmth of a sensual embrace. When she reached a point it scraped her throat, my eyes slammed shut and my toes curled tight.

A blocked throat didn’t stop her sweet mouth from closing around more of me. The wet tightness stunned me, and I moaned harshly as my eyes fought blinding pleasure to sneak peeks.

In order to get the last part of the condom wrapped around my shaft, it had no place to go but down her throat, and down it went. My trembling fingers went for her hair, but debilitating pleasure and blinding intensity, slung my mind into chaos and stopped my journey, leaving me to grip the covers instead.

The growling moan lodged in my throat, ripped free and shook me. Shivers of pleasure coursed through me when my dick squeezed past the tightness of her flinching throat. She didn’t stop until every inch of the condom had sheathed me.

Her mouth slid back with ease, leaving a trail of saliva behind. I immediately craved the warm tightness she had surrounded me in. When she sat up and inched her warm pussy closer, my dick throbbed with a different level of eagerness. Recalling the heavenly sensation of being inside her, my mind and body exploded with restless expectation.

When she eased up and hovered her middle at the tip, I froze and lost my ability to breathe. My gaze rotated between her and the sight of my stiff dick, so achingly close to her pussy. In this moment, I was nothing but an addict, preparing for another dose of the drug I was helpless to resist.

Jax hadn’t removed her panties, she merely slid them to the side to provide access to the hypnotizing world she owned. Instead of putting me out of my misery, she flashed her palm at me. Hard. Beautiful. Pain. Sensing my thoughts, she smirked and closed her hand. When she allowed the first few inches to slide in, I was a hair’s breadth from passing out.

“Shit,” I hissed with a low groan. What I expected and what I experienced were so far off, I glanced at where we were connected to ensure I’d not fallen into a vivid dream. The exhilarating sensations were better than before, more intense.

Her wet pussy made me want to thrust, to move, to grope the warm lushness of her body. It took everything, and I do mean every drop of my willpower, to lie still and let her control this.

Her movements were way too slow, but I didn’t disrupt the way she wanted this to go down. The slow pace commenced until she inched me all the way in. The sensation of my head rubbing against her cervix melted my toes and liquified my bones.

If my deep penetration caused her pain, she enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed being buried inside her. Her face was set in determination, but those eyes—those eyes reflected the way I felt, wickedly good. Each move she made squeezed me with a firm and assured intensity. There was no soft background music, only the groaning springs of the bed and our harmonizing sighs of pleasure.

She increased the pace when the powerful mix of pleasure overtook logic and reason. Leaning into me, she slid her fingers up my arms, digging her nails into my flesh. Winded, my breaths swished past my lips, winding through the parts of her hair that had fallen from her elegant bun.

Her rhythmic movements resumed, her pussy gripping to squeeze pleasure into me and releasing to allow me to glide along her slippery walls, turning me into her puppet. The sensations fascinated me, giving me a taste of the ultimate high.

Jax bent and allowed her lips to hover above my right ear. “Tell me how good it feels,” she whispered. “Jax. God. It feels great. So damn good.” I heaved. She was fitted so tight around me, I shuttered at her movement. The ache spilling from my fingertips eased when I caressed her thighs which were as smooth and silky as the surface of a rose pedal.