Page 27 of Roots of the Wicked

Chapter Fourteen


My reluctance to obediently follow caused Jax to drag me along, her firm grip digging into my arm.

“Why are we going this way?” I glanced back at the exit as she led me toward the kitchen, and what I supposed was the rear of the building. The staff had either left for the night or made themselves scarce.

We exited through the back door which opened to a tight alley. Before I could question why we were lurking in the darkness, she keyed in the code to a side door of the neighboring building. We entered and traveled along an empty shadowy hall.

My head jetted around in anticipation, waiting for something or someone to jump from a dark corner, and pounce. “How connected are you to be able to do all of this?” I whispered my question to the back of her head. I was starting to think that Jax wasn’t just a small business owner.

She didn’t answer right away as we climbed a set of stairs that led us a level up. After entering another hall, barely discernable music, and distant voices flowed from someplace within the building. I couldn’t recall the name of the hotel, but I remembered seeing it in passing.

We shuffled past the lobby bustling with people a level down, but none glanced up, or paid us any attention as we breezed along the deserted outskirts of the action.

I stopped her with a firm grip of her arm. “Where are you taking me Jax? I have had enough of the cloak and dagger mystery.”

“You remember dragging me into the bathroom at the expo?”


“I resisted a little, but I followed you in to see what you wanted, right?”


“Now, you need to give me the same courtesy,” She insisted.

This was an entirely different scenario. One I believed was built on revenge for me challenging her need for control, but I decided to play along.

She jerked my arm, to get me moving again. I followed, stumping down mounting questions and my irritating anxiousness to see where this was going.

A glimpse of the front desk came into view, a level below us, before we turned into a nook, housing the bank of elevators. The word staff in big black letters stood out above them. Jax used a key card to open the elevator. As anxious as I was, I did appreciate her going through the trouble to protect my privacy.

I leaned against the back wall of the elevator as she tapped the button for the seventh floor.

“This is reminiscent of the day we met. I was only supposed to walk you to the elevator, but my mind was set on spending as much time alone with you as possible.”

Her sneaky smile surfaced, but she didn’t respond right away. Now here, she stood in front of me, in much the same way I had stood in front of her in the elevator the first day.

“What were your intentions if that elevator hadn’t stopped?” She asked.

I eyed her leisurely from top to bottom. “I can assure you my intentions were inappropriate for a first meet.”

We both laughed and continued to shamelessly stare each other down until the elevator arrived at our floor. Why did it feel like we had known each other for months versus days?

We stepped onto a beautifully decorated hall leading to one of the two suites on the floor. Jax took a firm grip of my hand and hummed while leading me to the door.

The green light flashed on the front door to our suite after she waved the keycard in front of it. Did she have the master key? She sprang the door open and gestured me in. She had clearly switched the gender roles. I urged myself to cross the threshold, not used to not being in control.

“Why don’t you have a seat, and I’ll fix your ice cream?” She swung the metal door-catch closed. The finality of the echoing sound sped up my heartrate. She headed for the dining area after dropping the key card on the small wooden table near the door.

The room was impressive and stately with a contemporary décor I appreciated. The open floor plan housed a large wall of windows showcasing a night view of the city through sheer white drapes. At first, it appeared a large television screen was suspended from the adjacent wall, but it was my favorite movie, paused and projected against the wall that faced a large comfortable looking couch.

“It appears you went through a lot of trouble just to have a date with me. Thank you.” I wasn’t used to anyone doing something this extravagant to spend time with me. It was usually the other way around, so I was flattered, and impressed.

“You’re welcome. It was no trouble. I know a few people. You remember that open-market you suggested I not fish in anymore? I keep their systems running properly, and they are nice to me in return.”

I had offered her that job because I could, showcasing my arrogance. I believe I was also being selfish in wanting to keep her all to myself.