Chapter Thirty-Six
It had been six weeks since I had seen Jax, and I didn’t know how much longer I could forgo feeling her snuggled into me, hearing her voice, or inhaling her precious scent.
Numerous calls and text from me went unanswered. I resulted to sending members of my security team to spy on her just to see if she were okay. Paul would drive me passed her building just so I could feel close to her. I missed her so much, I was reaching out for her in my sleep, and waking up with her name on my tongue.
Max had been successful at tracking down the drone that snapped photos and recorded us. However, the task of discovering who deployed the drone on that fateful day was a well-kept secret with all the evidence leading back to me.
Someone had gone through a lot of trouble to pin this on me. It had to have been someone who knew both, me and Jax. If the stunt was to break us up, it worked.
The media hype had died down, but it didn’t mean they wouldn’t still try to get a story.
Sitting behind my desk, I dropped my face into my shaking hands. Jax had become a part of me and, no matter how much time had passed, I couldn’t shake the notion a part of my life was incomplete.
The vibration of my cell phone drew my attention. I swiped the screen, when I noticed it was Landon. His animated voice came through the speaker.
“How are you, Chase? Got your girl back yet?”
“I’m not doing well,” I answered. “I feel like shit and, no, I haven’t gotten my girl back.”
Landon yelled over the line. “Learn how to drive son-of-a-bitch!” He was projecting his road rage at some unsuspecting driver, when he was more than likely the one in the wrong.
“I thought you told her you’d found evidence that proved you were set up?” He must have been done road raging.
“You’re talking about the evidence I was forced to share with you to convince you that I was set up? You’re supposed to be my friend, yet you believed the media and Internet over me.”
“I believed you in the beginning. I was just angling to get the exclusive because I have known you long enough to know when you’re not telling me everything,” he laughed.
“I tried to set up a meet, so I could show Jax the evidence, but she wouldn’t meet with me. She said being around me would keep her in the spotlight, and she doesn’t want to live like that. For some reason, I got the impression that she wasn’t telling me everything. She just didn’t sound right.”
“So, what’s your plan for getting her back? I know you have one, right?”
I shook my head even though he couldn’t see me.
“Nothing yet.”
“Chase, I know you. For you to be this troubled, I know how serious you are about Jax. From what you told me, and from what I’ve read about her business success, I understand why. She’s not a gold-digging schemer after your money, or a spotlight chaser. She’s very much in command of fulfilling her own dreams.” His low chuckle sounded on the other end. “From the few other photos that were leaked, I could understand a few other reasons why you’re so into her. The woman adds spice to the word sexy. Smart, hot, and hardworking. What more could a man want in a woman?”
“Exactly. She had me, the moment I saw her.”
It was Jax’s looks that had gotten my attention in the first place, but I was drawn in further, when I found out how hardworking she was and how funny and outgoing she could be.
“I told you, man. All of this could have been avoided if you had done a Greg.” The comment caused me to laugh in spite of the absurdity of the subject matter. Greg, one of our friends, who had been obsessed with the woman he wanted to marry, had gone through great, and very questionable lengths to keep her.
“The shit Greg did to keep Kathy was downright devious, and I believe illegal,” I spoke into the phone, shaking my head.
Based on the hint of laughter in his tone, I knew Landon was joking. As desperate as I was to get Jax back, I wasn’t that desperate; or was I?
“Landon, I can’t do something so deceitful. I care about Jax way too much, to trick her into staying.”
“It’s a solid plan, if you’re left with no other options,” he reminded me, a teasing glint in his tone. “But all jokes aside, man, I do hope you get her back. I haven’t met her yet, but I know she means a lot to you. Seriously, let me know if I can do anything.”
I thanked him before we ended our call. He had been calling me more often since he found out about me and Jax’s break up. He, along with my father, appeared to understand how much I cared about Jax.
“Dad,” I answered when I noticed it was him calling.
“Hello son. How are you?”