Page 67 of Roots of the Wicked

They kept shouting, stalking, pushing, and attempting to get me to uncover myself. They pleaded for Chase to unveil me and tell the world who I was. This was shear torture to someone like me who usually didn’t hesitate to speak my mind. However, in this case, fear kept me quiet. Fear of being filmed, of having my photo taken, and of being made a public spectacle.

“Let us see your face!”

“Let us see her Chase!”

It was funny. I could stare a grown man in the face and be ready to punch him in the teeth if he crossed the line, but having my picture taken or facing the threat of being on film had the ability to turn me into a frightened child. This was one of the only triggers capable of crushing me, mentally and physically.

“What’s your name?”

“Give us your name!”

Another harsh shove almost disconnected me from Chase’s tight grip.

“Stay back! Paul, secure the car. They are trying to climb into the damn car!” Chase shouted.

It wasn’t until I was lumbering through this bed of disturbed fire ants, that I comprehended what Chase had been living with. I had seen the way parts of his life had been splashed out all over the television. It was only because he valued his privacy that a part of his life, mainly his work, and some of his private life had been kept from the spotlight. How could I have been stupid enough to think that being careful would work?

It was why he’d been interviewing women just to have female companionship and taking extra precautions to see me. He had done his best to protect me from this nightmare the entire time, one I had taken care to avoid myself.

The sound of the car door being snatched open, caused a gust of oxygen to break through and flood my lungs. I sucked in deep breaths as Chase kept me pinned to him. Once I stumbled into the back seat, I kept the throw over my head, despite my desperate need for fresh air.

Chase tugged me into his side, cradling my trembling body. “You’re okay. I’ve got you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” He kept repeating those words and kissing the top of my head as I clung to him like a lifeline.

Although Chase informed me it was okay to uncover myself, I kept the throw around my head and peeked through a small opening. Once my eyes adjusted to the dim interior, I made out the tinted windows as his driver fought the crowd to get into the driver’s seat.

When Paul, opened the door, the hounds reached in and snapped shots around him.

Chase drew me in and covered the small exposed portion of my face with his hand. I had never seen anything like this. This incident was more proof that Chase was being his true self with me. I had become the late breaking news in his life. While most women in my situation would’ve been glad for the exposure, it was one of my greatest fears.

“I’m sorry,” he breathed against my hair as my head rested against his strong chest and fast beating heart. “I didn’t call ahead for security because I didn’t think we’d need it. I tried to be careful with you, I promise.”

My tension lessened and the shakes had calmed, but my fingers clawed into Chase like those of a cornered cat.

“I’m sorry boss.” Paul called from the front seat. “I called for security, but they got held up. The company wouldn’t even release your helicopter to me. I honestly don’t know what’s going on. I also tried to call you on the satellite phone to warn you about this but couldn’t get an answer.”

“Thanks Paul. Take us to my house in Westport. It will be difficult for them to get onto the property there.”

I didn’t care where Chase wanted to go, I just wanted to get away from this crowd. I was willing to bet a year’s pay that whoever managed that drone also found a way to hold up Chase’s security team and his helicopter. As badly as I wanted to go home, I knew we couldn’t risk leading the mob to my place.