Page 57 of Roots of the Wicked

The swollen head shoved at my opening as his powerful gaze imprisoned mine.

“You want this dick? Tell me you want it, Jax.”

Fuck, he was driving me nuts as the tip teased my slick lips, calling my flowing juices to the surface.

“I want it. I want your dick, Chase.” I breathed my words out over a rushed whisper.

At my words, he added enough pressure that the tip entered, and I could feel the head breaking apart my raging heat. The moment had arrived, he was entering me, and I was letting him do it without a condom. I prayed I wasn’t making the biggest mistake of my life.

He kept pushing, but didn’t force it. Instead, he glided in with a long thrust that took a blessed lifetime to end. It was so damn good my mouth fell open and my head fell to the side. I swear, a tear slipped past my clenched eyelids. I had never experienced anything so all-consuming in my life.

“Jax,” he whispered my name like it was a fresh breath to his starved lungs.

Once he was planted deep, he paused, relishing the heightened state of us being joined with no restrictions.

“Is this okay?”

What kind of damn question was that? He knew damn well it was okay.

“Yes,” I finally answered.

He drew half out and instead of another long thrust, he shoved into me with such slow and meaningful intent, I synced with his movements, latching on to the slow hypnotic rhythm. I was being taken by pure sensation. Feelings. Emotions.

I had never experienced this type of sensational tension. He was driving me mad one moment and filling me with pleasure the next.

“I think I’m obsessed with you, Jax.” he whispered. He kept going, kept on feeding me pleasure like he hadn’t said what he had just said.

“What? What are you s-s-saying?” His words were as alarming as the emotions he was pouring into me. The rest of the story I was too afraid to hear was reflected in the intensity of his gaze. There was a song playing in his eyes, a beautiful silent melody that sang to my heart, unique and only for me. He was scaring me, but at the same time making me acknowledge feelings I never knew I was capable of experiencing.

He kissed me with the same slow intensity he worked my body with, and I loved every minute of it. His hands roamed as he bathed my skin with his tongue, my neck, my shoulders, and my chest.

He cupped my full breast with light squeezes, tugged my nipples between his teeth, and toyed with my nipple-piercing with his tongue. Every touch ignited and sent raging heat to the rest of my erogenous zones. How did he know? How could he know my body like this?

Everywhere he stroked sparked pure emotion that tightened our connection, melding us together in a way that we may never be pulled apart. He did an exceptional job of capturing me so completely I was aware of every kiss, touch, and thrust.

We had connected sexually. We had connected with explicit lust. But this? This was something capable of making us go against every principle we had set for ourselves. This could steal away our control for good. This was the kind of connection that had you busting windshields out of cars and peeking into windows in the middle of the night.

We relinquished control, had given into a bond stronger than us. I was convinced that Chase was expressing through his body how he felt about me. The deep hard thrusts reflected how intensely he was falling for me. The shallow ones reflected the tender caresses of a friend, willing to lend me a shoulder or ear when I needed it. The deep lingering thrusts sparked a dash of pain, revealing he was in tune with the darker side of sex. When he backed all the way out, sat the head at my opening, and pounded into me with maximum force, he was proving he was very much in control of his actions. He was letting me know he could be everything I needed, but I needed to be willing to let him.

“You feel incredible. So wet. So hot. Perfect.” The sensual heat of his words wound into my ear and added to our sexual energy that saturated the room.

He settled on the deep lingering thrusts for a moment, his powerful leg muscles flexing against my quivering inner thighs. The long pounding thrusts got me sopping wet as I fought to keep from clawing the skin off his back.

He knew what I craved and would enjoyed most. The man could sling dick like nobody’s business, but I didn’t think he realized the extent of the emotional effect he had on me. I was linked into something much deeper than our amazing sex and found myself embracing the notion for the first time. My grip around Chase was so tight, I could feel myself shaking against his body, yet it still didn’t feel tight enough.

His every rolling thrust created spine-tingling aches as fiery sparks of emotion consumed me, turning my mind into a realm of lit fireworks. I teetered on the edge of orgasm, the sharp currents were strong enough I feared they would stop my heart.

Filled up with emotional and physical pleasure, I was reduced to a weeping mess. My lazy moans filled the room. The few understandable words I managed to squeeze between gasps were, “Chase. Chase. Shit, Chase. Fuck.”

Covered by his full body, he used every part of himself to stimulate me. He sent me soaring straight into the stars, my body shooting off like a probe sent to explore space. I embraced my perfect death, clinging to Chase as he followed me into the sensational crossover that shattered reality.

We remained stuck together for what seemed like hours, breathing, meditating, committing our lovemaking to memory. When he eased out, I was too satiated to move, not even a flutter from my eyes seemed possible.

He positioned himself at my back and spooned me. Once he draped his arms around me, he squeezed, securing me in his hold, unwilling to allow me to run away from the connection I could no longer deny. This was a new revelation for me. I breathed in the undeniable magic I had never shared with another, the intoxication of it lulling away my apprehension.

His lips brushed the back of my neck, and his warm breath caressed me as much as his embrace. A deep breath filled me with fresh air and allowed me to relax into Chase’s warmth.

“Would you like to talk now? You’re good and relaxed, and I meant what I said about wanting us to be the kind of couple who communicated with each other. Sometimes it feels like we are living our relationship in reverse. We touched the hot uncontrolled passion first, then the spine-breaking sex, and now something more meaningful. However, it doesn’t matter how we got here, as long as were here. You can tell me anything, Jax. Anything.”