Page 15 of Roots of the Wicked

My gaze traveled along the lines of Amanda’s body. I’ll admit that she was sexy, but that was it. I needed more, so, unfortunately for her she just didn’t get my juices flowing. She wasn’t curvy enough. Besides, Amanda had no idea who the fuck she was flirting with. I lived to turn women like her and men like Chase, inside out. The mega rich egomaniacs, the pampered and the kept who thought their shit didn’t stink, or the ones who would kill their own mother for an elite social status.

Amanda blushed when she noticed my eyes roaming over her body. I swear Chase’s jaw clenched tighter, the sight making me stifle a laugh. My slick tongue slid across my lips, before I waved my date over.

Her movement flowed like a live melody for the eyes as she strutted in our direction. The black cocktail dress she wore tickled the bottom of her knees but blazed a hot trail along her sassy curves. The lovely temptress was an inch shorter than my five-feet-six, but my ego was big enough to make me six-ten.

“Chase. Amanda. This is my lady, the lovely Kara McClain.”

Kara reached her hand out first to Chase and then Amanda. They all exchanged mechanical pleasantries, but over the course of our small exchange, Chase’s eyes kept finding their way to mine. After the way I introduced Kara, Amanda glared at the side of his head, her lips pinched tight in irritation.

“Don’t let us hold you up. I need to show my lady around and maybe see if we can find her something nice.”

Amanda side-eyed Chase again, while he appeared to seethe. He knew I was fucking with him. Was I the only one in our group who noticed his possessive interest in me? I’m almost positive Amanda had a clue. Just like Chase didn’t know what kind of fire he was playing with neither did she.

“Maybe we can walk with you guys,” Amanda cast a pleading smile in my direction.

The sharp expression Chase blessed her with clearly said, “Bitch, stay in your place.” For a man who boasted about his commanding nature, he certainly didn’t have his woman in check tonight. Me? I thrived on my controlling ways. Chase was apparently a lightweight.

After Amanda’s suggestion, I glanced at Chase. He wanted to join me and Kara but was too proud to ask. I made his mind up for him. I nodded in his direction before placing my hand across Kara’s back, moving us toward the next set of booths.

Chase was in for one hell of a long night. I had warned him about me, but he was determined not to listen.