When you meet her; that woman that will open something in you so wide, it will scare you, but you will know it’s her. You will be drawn to her and unable to think of anything but wanting to know more about her. Consciously, you may not understand what’s happening or what you may be feeling, but don’t ignore the blessing, Chase. You and Blake are the best things to ever happen to me, and I know your father and I haven’t been the best examples, but I want you both to experience the best things this life has to offer. Nothing is better than finding that special someone that can open your heart to true happiness.
Jax may not have been the woman my mother was talking about, but I wasn’t willing to ignore her warning and risk missing out on happiness.
“Your pitiful attempt to convince me that we’re wrong for each other isn’t working. You can’t speak on what you believe you have read in me. You can’t make your thoughts a reality of how I might react, or what I may or may not accept. Wouldn’t you like to at least see if we can be compatible?”
She stepped to me, closing the little space between us, allowing her warmth to wrap around me. Her fresh honey-citrus scent intoxicated my senses. I breathed her in, closing my eyes as I ran my fingers along her arm.
“I’m not the one for you, Chase, trust me.”
Her words hung between us like the resounding sound of a slammed door. If her aim was to intimidate me; it wasn’t working. Older men, seasoned business associates, or anyone who assumed a younger man couldn’t handle a multibillion-dollar company had been attempting to intimidate me for years. Their efforts had strengthened my resolve to deal with bullies and take an insult with ease. I had never cowered, or backed down when faced with a challenge, so, I wasn’t backing down from Jax, even if her warnings were warranted.
“Give me my chance, Jax.”
“Why? Am I a challenge you need to master Chase?”
“I’m genuinely interested in you. And I promise to treat your privacy with as much respect, as I would my own. And for the record, I hardly know you, but I know that you would never allow anyone to use you as a fetish.”
My gaze dropped to her lips, imagining what they would feel like pressed against mine before my tongue slid up the length of hers.
“Okay Chase, maybe not a fetish, but I’ve piqued your interest, and now you’d like to know what it would be like to fuck me.” My eyes went wide. Her blunt words were like a cold spray of water on my ego. I know Jax felt my desire for her. What I couldn’t understand was why she was fighting so hard to deny it.
“What you’re not doing Chase, is listening to the warnings I’m trying to give you. I don’t like being told what to do and you are very close to that line. I told you that I prefer being in control when it comes to relationships. I like a partner that doesn’t mind being bossed around, and I don’t believe you would listen very well. And, I’ll repeat this in case you ignored it the first time. I don’t do the media.”
She was right. I didn’t give a damn about her warnings. I was just as hardheaded as she was, and the more she pushed, the more I wanted her.
“I believe we may have similar wants Jax. So, I’m not opposed to negotiating, or learning to ensure your wants and needs are satisfied. Besides, you should know this about me, I give as good as I get.”
She took another deliberate step, positioning herself so that her tempting mouth sat inches below mine.
“I’m an acquired taste. If we hooked up, there’s a probability that you will either stalk me for more, run from the unholy hell I would unleash on you, or put a restraining order out to keep me away from you.”
“I want the chance to find out,” I replied. My words surprised her, on the wings of what she had so boldly said, causing those sexy lips to part.
“I’d like the chance to find out what direction your wants might send me. And Jax, I have warnings you should heed as well.” I eased a hand behind her neck, making the resistance in her body melt into my touch. “I can be as unholy as you claim to be and as sinful as you need me to be. I have created more stalkers than I care to name, and only the threat of legal action keeps them at bay. So be rest assured that my pallet may enjoy your special, acquired taste.”
Her pupils dilated before her curiosity turned into a glare, but I saw the challenge clearly.
“I’m not what you’re used to, Chase. I follow order in my professional life because it’s good for business. In my personal life, I do whatever the hell I want to.”
The heat level between us rose with every sentence we added to the fire. She would have liked nothing less than me kneeling in front of her, begging for what I wanted.
However, I stood my ground, staring deeper, acknowledging that her dominating personality was colliding with mine. She was a control freak, but not even she could deny that she wanted me. A thin sheen of moisture was beading on her top lip, and I wanted to lick it away. I would not stop pursuing her until I got a taste of her sin.
“Show me what you tampered with Chase before I forget I’m at work.” Her request put an end to our standoff, but I hadn’t missed the impish smile she cast before she stepped back. Reluctantly, I stepped past her to point out the area I tampered with.
Within minutes the tenth floor was back up and running and I was gifted a tongue lashing for my asinine and juvenile antics.
“The next time you want to do something to get my attention, call me so you can officially know how it feels to be hung up on. I’ll even throw in a few vile words to tickle your eardrums.”
I fought my smile. She could care less, that in a sense, I was her boss, or that I was worth billions, and could change lives with my word or my pen. And I loved that! I love that she didn’t allow that part of me to influence her behavior around me.
My attempt to ask her out again was cut off when she stepped around me and headed toward the exit, muttering under her breath. I admired the way her jeans hugged her perfectly round ass. The way each step caused a crease to kiss right below the globes, the exact spots I imagined my fingertips would bend into. The way the asymmetrical sleeves of her blouse and collar clung to her alluring figure. I even noticed she wore red and white Chucks—although they didn’t match her outfit—which was probably for the ease of walking the busy seven blocks between our buildings.
Her dismissive actions and the wicked words she had thrown at me had me wanting to follow her wherever she was going. Her feistiness was like foreplay, a taste of fire roaring below the surface of her seduction.
At Jax’s exit, the chill in the room returned, and my gaze remained on the door long after she had gone. The beeping and flashing equipment broke into my thoughts of kissing that sassy mouth of hers.
She made a good show of running, but I wasn’t done. My instincts, the ones that led me to make sound business decisions, insinuated that there was much more between us than mere lust. I was becoming desperate to find out once and for all, what was it that drew me to her?