“I’m okay. I’m so sorry I haven’t called before now. I lost my phone, and I-I wasn’t doing well.” Her voice was cracking as badly as mine. The weeping sadness in her tone hinted that she was still struggling.

When I started to talk, wanting to know what had happened to her, the man returned. This time, he grilled me as hard as Kadeem had.

I revealed everything that had happened to Laura and me while the man, Ansel, as he’d identified himself, listened. He questioned me periodically for specific details.

Ansel revealed a few details about how Megan had ended up with him in California and let me know it had all started right here in Texas.

“I’m going to send a few friends to your location to help find Laura. They are some of the best….” he seemed to stumble over his words. “They’re some of the best trackers I know.”

I wasn’t as quick a study as some, but I knew he wasn’t about to say that his friends were trackers. If these men were helping Megan from the kind of trouble I knew she’d been running from, they were more than just trackers.

After I revealed to Ansel where I was staying and I’d had enough good sense to hide, he informed his friends would link up with me before daybreak. He handed the phone back to Megan, and we cried and talked until my phone died.

I flipped the dead phone in my hand, thankful I hadn’t been too disoriented to forget my charger. The knowledge that help was on the way sent relief sweeping through my body. As fast as I’d been filled with relief, it was snuffed out when my mind fell on Laura. Fresh tears started, and nothing but seeing Laura would stop them.

Would the help that I’d enlisted be able to find Laura or were they already too late?