Now that Kadeem had me thinking, I remembered one of the men who’d chased us tonight mentioned to Laura that our friend was possibly being protected by rednecks. Had he been talking about Megan?

Months ago, Laura and I had been interviewed by a Detective Mark Griffin. We were convinced that the man wasn’t a real detective. We’d called Megan about him showing up and questioning us about her.

She was usually stressed about who was chasing her. However, with this detective, I distinctly remember her laughing at Laura’s reaction when I’d described him as tattooed and sexy. Her nonchalant reaction had Laura and me thinking she knew the man. There was one way to find out. I was going to call Detective Griffin. The real cops weren’t going to help us, but maybe the fake one would.

I didn’t bother sharing my ideas with Kadeem since I was grasping at straws, desperate enough to make a deal with the devil. I didn’t care who they were associated with, as long as they agreed to help find Laura and possibly lead us to Megan.

I jumped. Kadeem’s loud clap sounded, getting my attention. “No, I don’t want to stay here,” I answered his question when it registered. “I’ll get a cheap room for a few nights.”

“We are going to find her,” Kadeem reassured, and I believed him.

“You’re welcome to stay here. It’s not safe for you out there on your own.”

“I’ll be fine,” I lied.