Page 95 of Twisted Obsession



Itook north, Aaron south, Rob east, and D west. Marcus had Tina and was posted up outside the front, ready to lay down sniper fire as Scott remained our eyes in the back of the building.

“Check your feeds,” D’s voice announced. “The dim heat signatures have brightened. I can confirm fifteen now.”

The elongated scratchy sound of the window I’d pried open sounded as I snapped my neck in either direction before allowing my body to cross the threshold. The place was drenched in darkness, making the night goggles a necessity. The strongest heat signatures we’d spotted belonged to two half-wits who were asleep on duty.

Tap! Tap!

The two muffled taps from my weapon sent dark matter splattering against the floor. One fell from his chair and landed on the floor, and the other’s head fell back against the rickety wooden chair he sat in. His eyes were aimed at the ceiling as the contents of his head made drip-drop sounds against the floor.

Fifteen. Fourteen.

The count was on. I needed to reach my number one. If I didn’t, the world would feel the wrath of my disappointment.

“Lupe, Noah, radio check, over,” came a voice, in Spanish, through the radio the two dead men shared.

Aaron, D, and Rob coming into view was confirmation that each area had been cleared. We didn’t speak as we waited for the friends to show up and reveal to us how to get into the lower half of the building.

Like luring a rat to cheese, the creaking of wood shifting under someone’s weight sounded and sent us into the shadows. Dust particles swirled at my face and swam up my nose with each breath I took. The darkness blanketed me, adding to the dark storm that swirled in my head.

The unmistakable sound of a door squeaking open drew my gaze to the area behind the bar and likely the way into the basement. Regina was here, and it wasn’t the fact that D was tracking her device. I sensed her presence as faint traces of her scent caused my nostrils to flare.

When two shadows crept out from behind the bar, we didn’t have to speak a word to each other as they stepped into the opening, surrounded by us on each side.

“Lupe, Noah, where the fuck are you? Why…”

The talker’s words stopped when he stepped close enough to view the dark and bloody figures of his friends. They drew their weapons, but they were already dead men.

“I got them,” I announced, knowing my team could hear me. At the sound of my voice, the new arrivals turned in my direction. One keyed his radio to call for backup. I wanted him to.

“Alert! Alert! Alert! We got…”

Tap! Tap!

My silenced weapon spoke.

Thirteen. Twelve.

Without night vision, they were sitting ducks that I didn’t waste time picking off.One was slung against the wall as his head exploded and sent dark liquid against the faded and peeling wall, giving it a splash of life. The other’s body flew over the chair of the one lying dead there, toppling it.

If the radio call hadn’t gotten their attention below, the stumbling sound of bodies dropping would.

“We’ve got movement below,” D spoke in a low tone.

“I’m going down,” I announced, already heading towards the bar. I didn’t care if they were coming up or not. I didn’t intend to stop killing people until I saw Regina, my number one.

“I’m going with you,” Aaron and D announced simultaneously like they were operating on the same frequency.

“I guess that leaves me here with the dead,” Rob stated, sounding disappointed that he’d miss out on more action.

“All clear out here, guys,” came Marcus’ voice followed by Scott’s, assuring us that backup hadn’t shown up.

It appeared that these assholes believed they’d gotten away scot-free.

After a minute of us searching, we found the door that dropped down into the basement area of the building.