The last twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind of sex, bondage, dominance, and even hints of romance. My sore body was a testament to the obstacles Ansel had put me through, but I’d enjoyed every single moment of it.
My head bobbed atop his heaving chest as I gazed up at him. This time with him was surreal, one of the best experiences of my life. I’d never had a man that desired me this way—in every way.
“So… Sir, or Ansel,” I stated with a smirk. The lines between who we were from one moment to the next were a blur of confusion. The smile on his face amazed me.
“What?” he asked, his stare becoming a curious glint.
“It’s hard to believe that I can make you smile like that. It’s beautiful. Like a gift you’re giving back to me.”
He lifted a brow but didn’t comment, staring at me in that way that he did that kicked up my anxiousness. Since my head was on his chest, there wasn’t much I could do to hide my gaze from his.
I could never look into his eyes without squirming, so I stopped trying. I’m sure he’d figured out by now why his gaze made me so squirrelly. I’d fallen head over heels for the man. Not even the soft serenading voice of Sade in the background eased my tension.
“Is there anything else on me that you like more than my butt?” I questioned, talking to ease my anxiousness and to hide the truth in my gaze.
“Your eyes,” he answered without hesitation.
My forehead wrinkled. I slid my forearm under my chin as I continued to stare up at him. “My eyes are brown. Plain and boring like millions of other brown eyes in the world.”
He sat up, taking me up with him. He shook his head, and a stiff gaze surfaced like I’d offended his judgment.
His warm hand cupped my face. “Sometimes, you don’t see yourself at all.”
He slung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood. “Get up,” he ordered. I obeyed. Who was he right now, my Dom or my protector?
He gripped my arms and positioned me in front of him. We stood in front of his full-length mirror, butt ass naked. I knew better than to comment on any imperfection on my body because he’d let me have it.
He towered over me, pointing at the mirror. “Look into your eyes, Regina.”
I looked.
“Look how beautiful they are. They are not like anyone else’s brown eyes.”
He must have noticed the doubt in my gaze.
“Your brown eyes can tell a story in seconds. They are my most loyal and receptive supporters. They tell me everything I need to know and the secrets you try to hide from me. They are big, like large beautiful flowers emerging from living earth. They emit your sincerity and reflect your good spirit. When you smile, Regina, you make others smile too because it shines through your eyes. One smile, one radiant sparkle from your eyes, can give the sun a run for its money.”
I beamed under his praise. His words lifted my emotions before folding them into the warmth of a thousand embraces.
“Thank you,” I whispered because my voice had cracked into a thousand pieces and my heart had turned into mush. It took great effort to keep my emotions at bay and the burning behind my eyes under control. No one had ever expressed to me anything so inspiring. Those were the most beautiful words any man had spoken about me.
Ansel wasn’t going to let me have doubts about any parts of myself, not even my eyes. My gaze was glued to his in the mirror. There was more depth to him than I could have imagined. If I weren’t already, this moment would have tipped the scales in the direction of letting myself fall.
His voice and body delivered the Dom, his mind revealed the truth, and sometimes, if I searched hard enough, his eyes gave a glimpse into his heart. The ridiculous smile that spread across my face couldn’t be helped.
Ansel had climbed so far into my heart and mind, there was no way I could not love him. There was no use in me denying his effect on me. The evidence had become clearer. The stupid smile I could never wipe off my face, my body’s reaction to his every action, and him tucked in every corner of my mind. I carried a willingness to please him in whatever way he wanted, but he appeared to be more concerned with satisfying me than allowing me to please him.
He spun me around to face him. “Nothing about you is plain,” he stated as his creamy finger circled my dark nipple, making it pucker at the slightest touch. “No part of you is boring,” he continued as his fingers traced along the quivering flesh of my stomach until it reached the heat emanating down below. “If you are plain and boring like you think, why can’t I keep my hands off you?”
His question was laced with a heavy dose of lust that turned up the heat in my body. How could I not fall for this man? How could I not want to make him happy? I knew without any doubt that he could have been tougher on me, yet, there was an underlying care behind his actions that let me know he didn’t want to hurt me.
I was falling. No, scratch that, I’d fallen. The stars were swimming in my eyes. I was under Ansel’s spell, and I didn’t know how to break it. Did I even want to break it? The most pathetic part about the situation was, even if he never loved me back, I wasn’t going to allow myself to feel bad about my feelings for him.