Page 73 of Twisted Obsession

Regina was awakening a passion in me that I’d never known was there. She backed away and broke the kiss when our heavy breathing started to fill the living room.

Her lust-heavy gaze met mine, and our breath stilted, causing the thumping in my chest to hammer out the sound in my ears. More than lust was being revealed. Care shone through our connection, an emotion I didn’t know I was capable of releasing in abundance.

Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as her gaze remained interlocked with mine. Quick warm breaths danced over my face and chin as her chest heaved, meeting mine on every rise. The sight of her so worked up over our kiss made me acknowledge my own harsh breathing.

The wind from my heavy breaths picked up a few loose strands of her hair, and they danced against her face. My heartbeat pounded in my ears like we’d been fucking instead of kissing. I sensed she wanted to kiss me again, but reluctance kept her at bay.

Breathing her in and tasting her wasn’t enough. I craved more. My hand slid around her neck to pull her lips back into mine. In the midst of our kiss, her voice sounded.

“Can I touch you, Ansel?”

She was taking advantage of the state she’d gotten me into.

“Yes,” rushed past my lips before I could stop it. Her palm cupped each side of my face as she rose up higher, dominating the kiss. Now, it was her tongue caressing mine, her lips devouring mine, and her hands melting into the rhythm of my body. There wasn’t shit I could do about it either because I wanted it. I wanted her like this but was too fucking arrogant to admit it to myself.

“Ansel,” she called as warm puffs of her breath kissed my ear. Why in the fuck was she stopping again? Especially now that I had two hands full of ass?

“Can we do it like normal people? You said we didn’t always have to be Dom and sub.”

Why in the fuck had I told her that shit? Normal for me was rough sex and a smile after a one-night-stand.

Regina had gotten me this far and I hadn’t cracked, so why stop now?

“Okay, Doc. Teach me how normal people fuck.”

“What? Me? I—”

“Yep, you. You’re going to have to teach me the way. It’s obvious that I don’t know it, and I’ve never been too proud to learn.”

I’d lost complete control, and I wasn’t too upset about it. This situation was weird since it was something I wasn’t used to, but everything about Regina and me felt too much like right.