My anxiety had started to spark fire, and my nerves had sprouted razor blades. As best as I could, I kept my feelings in check for Regina’s sake, as she prepared to finish a story that I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the rest of.
“Sorio wanted to ensure that I never ran again. He did the evilest thing you could do to a person. I’d hidden myself out in Galveston, Texas, on the beach. When I was brought to him, in the house at the farm, I was in a thin yellow sundress. His sinister grin was what greeted me when I was shoved into the living room with him. I had no idea at the time what the farm was but found out it was where I’d be kept from now on.
“Sorio stared at me as I stood at the door with tears streaming down my cheeks. He stalked towards me like an angry bull. I backed away from him until the wall stopped me, but I continued to inch back, hoping I could force my body through the hard wood to get away from him. He rushed me, and before I could scream, his big hand was around my neck. His hold was so tight I couldn’t breathe as he lifted, inching me up the wall.”
With her fist clutched into tight balls, a visible tremble edged over her body.
“My feet teetered on the floor as I stretched my body to give me leverage to ease the stress on my neck and to get oxygen into my lungs. Just when the pinpricks of blackness narrowed my view, he eased me down a notch, but maintained his tight grip on my neck.”
She shook her head and bit into her bottom lip in an attempt to decrease the impact of reliving the incident.
“That’s when things went from bad to worse. He poked out his tongue and eased his face closer to mine before he allowed his nasty wet tongue to inch up and over my cheek. I couldn’t believe what he was doing. I was no longer concerned about the hand he had around my throat because his other hand was sliding up my leg and inching my dress up.”
“Fucking hell no!” I blurted out, shaking my head. My outburst had stopped Regina from talking, and we sat staring at each other for a long while before she started again. She clenched her eyes shut, making them tremble as wet droplets stuck to her lashes.
‘I’m going to fix this running away shit so your ass never runs again. I’ve been wanting a taste of this pussy, and now you’ve given me the perfect excuse I need to take it.’
“I was in such shock at his words and what he’d done that I couldn’t think straight enough to fight him right away. I froze until he took a tight hold of my crotch area, hurting me. My blaring screams didn’t stop him. None of the men that worked for him saw fit to help me. Since the front door of the house had been left open, there was no way they didn’t hear me screaming. I refused to believe that Sorio would follow through, hoping he’d only gone that far as a means to scare me. However, the crazed look in his eyes and his actions revealed that there was nothing inside of him warning him that what he was about to do was wrong.”
This was one of the first times in my life I was afraid to hear something. Regina was about to confirm some shit that I didn’t want to hear, let alone believe. I stood, jarring her for a moment, then I started to pace. My fucking hands had begun to shake with rage, so I calmed as best I could before I retook my seat. I was determined to sit through this when all I actually wanted was to have Regina pause her story, let me go and kill three or four people, so I could come back and have enough control to sit through the rest.
“The sound of my panties ripping registered before the impact of them being yanked from my body. I begged him. I begged so hard. I fought him. I fought as hard as I could make my body fight, but my efforts were useless. He picked me up, one hand around my neck and the other gripping my crotch. He lifted and slammed me to the hardwood floor. The jarring impact took my breath and trapped me in pain. I couldn’t make myself function, and it felt like he’d broken my entire body.”
This shit was killing me, so I couldn’t imagine what it was doing to Regina having to tell me about her living nightmare. She was shaking hard enough that she made my body vibrate, but she found the strength to continue.
“I gasped and choked, unable to breathe. When he started kicking me, the best I could do was protect my face and head. Each blow was like he’d taken a bat to my body, loud, fleshy, almost an unnatural brutality. One kick caught me in the side of my head, and all I could hear was bells chiming. Before long, my eyes started to crawl to the top of my head, and I welcomed the sense of floating away. I prayed to pass out. I prayed to die. I prayed that he’d kill me. He must have noticed me drifting because he stopped, not allowing me to get away from him. I was too weak and out of it to even fight him as he stripped. I managed to turn away from the sight of his erection, not wanting to believe that my own cousin was evil enough to do such a thing.”
My hand slapped against my forehead. No! No! Fucking no! were the words roaring inside my head. I didn’t speak, knowing that there was nothing I could say to ease the pain Regina had suffered. I’d done some fucked up shit in my life. I’d taken pleasure in killing people. I’d had fucked-up shit done to me. But this shit Regina was revealing was another level type of fucked up.
This was the type of shit that fucked up your mind for good. I didn’t want to believe that she’d been through this traumatic experience, but I forced myself to accept her story anyway. It explained a lot about her strength and ability to deal with situations that would have the average person running and hiding.
“When he climbed on top of me, I fought, but my body and mind didn’t know how to coordinate with each other anymore. I screamed when he rammed into me. God, it hurt, like he was stabbing me down there. I kept screaming, my voice ripping from my throat as sheer horror ripped my body apart. Nothing I did helped. I believed Sorio wanted me screaming. It all played into his sick punishment. He didn’t use a condom, Ansel. The sick bastard didn’t use a condom. His taunting words made it that much worse.”
‘I can’t believe this shit. I broke into this tight pussy. A fucking virgin. You are a fucking virgin. I can’t believe it. This is even better. I’m the first one to break this pussy in. You like that bitch. You like that!’
“He yelled and taunted me the whole time and kissed my face like I wasn’t his cousin. Like I wasn’t screaming my head off and struggling to get him off me. I wasn’t a virgin like he’d assumed. My second year of college and my curiosity had taken care of that. But, I let him believe whatever he wanted. All I wanted was him off me.”
“Fuck, Regina. Fuck,” I whispered, too low for her to hear it. This fucking story was a motherfucker to digest. My throat was so tight that I couldn’t swallow. My vision had fallen out of focus, and I couldn’t see straight anymore. This shit was ripping away pieces of my heart with slow, deliberate tears. My green eyes had gone black. I was ready to kill any motherfucker that resembled Sorio.
“About halfway through it, I stopped screaming. I stopped fighting. I let rage consume me. It was all I had left. I wasn’t strong enough to fight him, but I vowed that I’d find a way to kill my cousin if it were the last thing I did.”
My body shook at this point, haunted by that same helpless sensation I’d experienced when I couldn’t help Aaron after he’d been shot.
“After he raped me, I knew that I was broken, ruined, too messed up to have a normal relationship. The gutted remains of my soul clung to my body. Hope was the thread I used to knit myself back together. Rage was the fuel I used to go on and not succumb to my despair. Hate carried me through the darkness.”
Her lips quivered, and she pinched them together to still them. She attempted to keep her pain from seeping out, but nothing could keep the amount of pain emanating from her contained. Her finger tapped lightly at her left ear.
“At first, it was a constant ringing, an elongated siren in my ear that never stopped. I’d gotten enough experience to make my own determinations on most medical issues. I didn’t have to seek out a doctor’s opinion to know that I’d lost some hearing in my left ear. The physical evidence was unmistakable. Sometimes when people talk to me from the left, I have to tilt my head to hear them clearly.”
Her eyes opened when my hands slid down her arms. She glanced up at the pity that I failed to pull from my face.
“Don’t look at me that way Ansel. You’re the only person that knows, and I told you because I expected you wouldn’t pity me. That you would tell me to use it to make myself stronger. That you’d understand better than anyone. I sense the horrors you’ve suffered throughout your life mirror my own. I notice the way you look at me with understanding.”
She was right, but I wasn’t myself with Regina. I became someone else around her, for her. The spark had been ignited the day we met, and now it had grown into a flame that I hadn’t bothered to put out. I prayed for the power to take this pain away from Regina, but knew it was hers to bare.