Was it bad of me to obsess about Ansel putting his hands on me again? The sight of him plunged my mind into another zone. I hadn’t yet figured out how to flip the switch from us, the normal people, to them, the naughty ones. However, it didn’t stop me from wanting both.
My goodness.The experiences he created. The hot and nasty things he said. His body had its own voice and with each call, I answered. Taut muscles stretching and expanding, pulling and bulging. Handsome face, gorgeous eyes, and a dick that delivered addictive kisses of pure bliss. My heartbeat pounded thinking about what Ansel could do, what he hadn’t yet done. I couldn’t rightfully describe the type of pleasure he’d introduced to my body.
I’d almost been kidnapped yesterday, but he’d managed to find a way to wipe it out of my mind. He’d promised to punish me for making him stress when he couldn’t find me earlier. If he planned to punish me like he had the times before, this was a punishment worth enduring, one I was anticipating.
What am I saying?I didn’t sound like myself anymore. Or, was he helping me find my true self? I didn’t know what was happening because my brain kept focusing on his ability to drive me insane with pleasure. His attention to each and every detail down to the way he sucked on my…
I jumped at the sound of his nickname for me. My mind had drifted again, and I’d missed his approach. The sight of that thick leather black strap in his hand stalled me, and a surge of tension threatened to overflow.
It looked like a black leather strap he’d borrowed from the 16th century. A whip mixed with a cat-o-nine tails with fringed leather tips. The shiny black of the leather gleamed against the light.
A hard swallow accompanied my halted posture as my eyes remained laser-focused on the object. It wasn’t until Ansel reached and took my hand that I glanced up at him, too dumbstruck to say anything. He assisted in lifting me from the couch, my body rooted in a strange mix of fear and excitement.
Ansel had smoothly tricked me into thinking it was okay to be punished. From the looks of the strap in his hand, I was about to be screaming in pain and pleading for him to stop. He’d promised me that he wouldn’t push me past my limits, and I had to believe he’d told me the truth. A deep breath calmed my body but anxiousness was a nasty parasite I couldn’t shake.
Why was he leading me towards the balcony? It was raining outside. A light drizzle had started hours ago. April showers had started to pour, midway through the month. The drizzle remained steady and light, and for a while, it hypnotized me as I’d watched it sprinkle from the sky through the windows.
I stood, seized in nervous tension before I forced my wobbly legs to move. My head darted back and forth between Ansel and the leather strap in his hand. He slid the balcony door open and stood waiting for me to exit.
“Ansel. What are you doing?”
“It’s time I collected on my promise, Gina. It’s time for me to punish you. And if you remember, I said I needed to get you wet.”
“You want me to go out there? In the rain? My hair,” I emphasized, aiming a finger at my messy ponytail.
He pursed his lips at me, letting me know that my hair should have been the last thing I worried about.
“What about it?” he asked, glaring fleetingly at my hair before his gaze settled on mine.
“My hair doesn’t get all cute and curly when it gets wet like some women. I get a jungle-fro that takes hours to tame,” I volunteered. My father may have been Mexican, but I hadn’t inherited his silky hair texture.
“Stop worrying about your hair and start worrying about how much dick I’m going to force into your pussy,” he warned with an arched brow.
He’d only taken off his suit jacket and tie before he stepped out into the rain, fully clothed. He glanced back, expecting me to follow him. The sprinkles started to darken the crisp white of his shirt, but he didn’t care.
Ansel smiled before snapping his fingers three loud times, making me jump to a moving start.
“Get your sexy ass out here, Gina!” he demanded in his Dom voice. His booming tone carried through the tickling drops and set off trembles inside my body. I was scared, but dammit if my body wasn’t also buzzing with lust.
A deep breath and a calming sigh escaped before I let quick steps carry me across the threshold of the door. Mindful of the impending unknown, I left the door open, in case I needed to run for my life.
A gasp lifted my chest as soon as the cold droplets licked my face and bare arms. Ansel stood in the rain like it was nothing more than an afterthought, awaiting my slow arrival. He hadn’t turned on the balcony lights, but the waving blue water of the lit pool gave us all the light we needed. Shadows and wet droplets fought my vision for dominance, but my eyes remained peeled and my mind alert.
By the time I stood within a foot of Ansel, I was shivering. My eyes blinked twice as fast to keep up with the steady drip-drops, but my vision remained sharp at this closer view. The dancing sprinkles didn’t stop my gaze from finding that whipping device in his hands either.
He’d propped his free hand on the rounded bar over the glass balcony as the strap hung from his grip. Its shiny black skin was now wet and gleamed as it found light in the dimness that blanketed the balcony. The rain produced its own music as the sprinkles chanted varying melodies when they splashed against shallow and dense surfaces.
“Gina, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Sparks, one of the many floggers you will get to know.”
A large gulp I attempted to swallow became lodged in my throat along with the fear I struggled to choke down.
“Take off your clothes. All of them except your panties,” he demanded, not giving me a chance to freak out.