After breakfast, Ansel handed me a pretty, blue wrapped box that had me grinning from ear to ear. He’d informed that we weren’t in a relationship, but wasn’t the giving of gifts the indication of a relationship? Calm down, Regina. He can’t be tamed, remember?
Ansel was no doubt my first addiction. The longer I was around him, the further I sensed myself falling. He created this euphoric sensation within me that caused my senses to overflow with desire. My senses became so heightened that I’d lose complete control of myself. I found it difficult to walk away when he was done playing with me. Everything he did was good, even when it involved pain. The sound and feel of him pounding into my…Jesus!
His voice could make goosebumps prickle my skin, the taste of his tongue was divine, the sight of him made my eyes smile and cast my worries away. My mind and body were hooked on Ansel. He wreaked havoc on all my senses, even as my mind warred with the parts of him that I should be afraid of.
The reel of recent events he’d created with me played in my head and wouldn’t stop. The way he’d eased me open with his tongue and loosened me up with his fingers before he pried me apart and filled every space down to the depth of my soul. The vivid images of our sex caused me to shiver. With him, I didn’t wish or pray or angle my body in odd directions to get him to fulfill my desires. He knew what my body craved better than I did.
Focus, Regina,I reminded as I glanced down at the box he’d handed me. The box was weighted, so I hadn’t a clue as to what it could have been. Ansel sat on the couch next to me as I ripped the pretty paper away.
The thick wooden box sat on my lap as I examined the best way to open it. Made of glossy varnished redwood, it was buffed to a gleaming shine. My fingers fumbled around until I found the latch that sprang the box open.
I lifted the top wide enough to glance at the shiny piece that winked at me. Sitting there, stunned, I stared at it. My gaze found Ansel, whose face didn’t give anything away as he observed me with my gift.
“Is this for me?”
“Yes, Doc. That is yours, and before long, I’m going to have you unwilling to let this little bundle of joy out of your sight.”
“It’s a gun,” I stated the obvious. I’d been expecting something else even when my mind yelled for me not to.
“It’s a Glock-19. Powerful, but not too big for your small hands. It’s time you learned how to protect yourself, Doc,” Ansel stated as his excitement seeped through his tone and flashed in his gaze.
“But, I don’t like guns,” I confirmed, staring at the piece with a frown on my face.
Ansel leaned closer. “You like my dick don’t you, Doc?”
The smile spread across my face before I could stop it and, “Yes,” fell too easily from my lips. It was Ansel, so there was no use in me being coy about it anyway.
“If I recall, you were afraid of my dick too when you first saw it.”
He made a good point, but what did it have to do with me learning how to use a gun?
“I’m going to need you to think of that gun as my dick. Powerful, hard, and willing to give you all the satisfaction you can imagine.”
My snitching tongue slipped over my lips at his words before he slapped his hand over my thigh and squeezed.
“I’ll be taking you to the gun range in a few hours, so prepare yourself, Doc.”
Ansel stood and stalked away, leaving me with my new gift. I sat staring at it, terrified of it, but Ansel was right. I needed to know how to protect myself.
As I inched to the edge of the couch, an idea hit me. I’d just realized that Ansel called me Doc when he was being playful. He called me Regina when he was being more caring or discussing important issues. Lord help me when he called me Gina.
Regina couldn’t shoot for shit. We’d been at it for about an hour, and just like our relationship, I concluded that I needed to teach her in a more nontraditional way. Every time I invaded her personal space and inched closer, she’d lose her shit and miss the target.
“I know that I’m distracting you, Regina. That’s kind of the point. When you’re out there being attacked, any number of real-life distractions can and will happen. You have to be able to think past a distraction, aim your gun, and squeeze the trigger.”
She was not the only one being distracted. Regina was sexy as fuck in my sweats. My gaze had been pulled down to the way they hugged her plump ass. She’d likely been hitting someone else’s damn target as far as my eyes were concerned.
“Right now, I need you to be Gina. That badass bitch that’s not afraid to look a man in the eyes and take his fucking life. That sexy freak I met a few nights ago that’s not afraid to take my dick and let me pound that tight pussy until it quivers and convulses, sucking me in deeper.”
I lost focus for a moment thinking about how good it would be to fuck her again.
“Pick up your gun,” I instructed. My indecent words had her hands shaking, but she picked up the gun with more confidence this time. She raised it and aimed as I’d shown her, resting her trigger finger against the trigger guard.