Page 7 of Twisted Hearts

I had her full attention with those statements.

“I don’t believe your personal or professional life has been compromised in anyway, however, I am searching for a woman that is or was using your name and address as an alias.”

Her smiling eyes grew tense, and her posture stiffened.

I handed her the driver’s license to see if a picture of Megan would spark any knowledge.

“Do you know this woman?” I asked her, praying that she did.

She shook her head as her eyes darted back and forth across the driver’s license. Remaining quiet, she placed her fingers up to her painted lips in thought.

I could tell by that lost look on her face that she had no idea who she was looking at. I’d be willing to bet my next paycheck that this woman had been chosen at random for her name.

I’d wasted my fucking time chasing a dead-end lead. My body drooped a bit. Hopefully, D would be able to find me another lead because the hunt for Megan wasn’t as easy as I’d assumed it would be.

The Megan that stood before me asked, “May I ask why are you looking for this woman? More importantly, why would she be using my information?”

“She stole something…” My fucking heart. “It was something of value that I’d like to get back. And, as I mention before, I believe your name was chosen at random.”

Although Attorney Megan Jones and I exchanged numbers, and she made several calls to ensure her identity was protected, I was certain I’d never see the woman again after this day.