Page 25 of Twisted Minds

Chapter 12

Aaron - Day 20

My eight-hour shiftat work had flown by in a blur. I had received funny looks from my men when I volunteered to do some of the tedious shit they hated doing like filing and making rounds by foot.

There was lots of fucking energy coursing through me, and I was so light on my feet that I had to force myself to relax before the men figured out what kind of fucking drug I was on—Megan.

Megan had me out of character, giddy, and smiling for no fucking reason. Since I rarely smiled, the men stared at me with concern, likely thinking I’d lost my natural mind.

I could hardly wait to get off work so I could get another hit. I hoped Megan’s soreness had dwindled because I needed more. The idea of more sex with her made me anxious as fuck.

When I made it home that evening, my father was sitting in my living room with a plate of Megan’s food in his hands. I wanted to kick his ass out of my house so I could have what I’d been craving all day. Instead, I poured my energy into keeping my cool as my drug of choice stepped into the living room. She handed my father a glass of lemonade and turned to me.

“Are you ready to eat?”

Fuck yes. I’m ready to eat you.

I nodded my head without looking up at her. She walked away without another word.

My father eyeballed me like he knew something was up. “How are things going with her? I see she’s cleaned this place from top to bottom. She ain’t a lazy bitch. I can tell you that much,” he commented before he fell quiet for a moment and continued eating.

I remained silent, watching him eat.

“I came to talk to you about your punk-ass cousin. He didn’t have your money. I was tempted to kick his ass myself, but I found out he used the money to pay for some medical procedure for his mother. It’s why he’s been coming up short recently. I confirmed it, and apparently, his mother has some type of blood disorder. He attempted to do the right thing by covering her medical expenses. Long story short, he doesn’t have the rest of your money. The only thing I can suggest is you hang on to Macon for another week, which will take her nearly to the end of her month. She could be yours until Jake is in the clear or can give you the balance of what you think he owes you.”

You have no fucking idea. I’ve already been paid in full.

My father raised an eyebrow like he’d heard my thoughts. I really didn’t need the money my cousin owed me, but I’d been trying for years to get him to be more responsible in the way he handled business.

I shifted in my seat when Megan walked in with my plate. My gaze remained on the plate she handed me, but when my hand slid over hers, the plate wobbled and nearly toppled to the floor. I took a quick glance at my father to see if he’d noticed my fumble, but Shark was too busy eating to notice me fail to hide my weakness over my living addiction. I glanced up at Megan who held her shit together like nothing had happened between us.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she voiced in the low tone she always spoke in before handing me the glass of lemonade. The only time she’d broken away from that soft church-lady tone of hers was when I was fucking her.

My father’s gaze was on Megan’s ass as she walked away, and I didn’t like that shit one bit. My forehead creased. I knew I had no damn reason to be possessive, but I was nevertheless. Why? Why the fuck would I be possessive over any woman? What the fuck was going on with me?

My father eyed me once more, his gaze boring into me.

“What do you think? Keep Mellissa for another week until Jake gets you your money? She’s probably safer out here with you anyway. It was only a matter of time before I’d have to beat the hell out of one of the club members for trying to fuck her. I mean, I’ve got my issues with black people, but that one… She’ll make you forget the rules.”

My ears perked. My father’s admission made me curious to know more about those two weeks Megan had spent at the club. He pointed his crooked thumb towards my kitchen.

“The first few days, I thought I was going to have to tell her to get the hell on and find another way to pay off her sister’s debt. Her presence had unsettled the delicate balance we fight to maintain. But after she picked up that damn gun and proved herself, the entire vibe changed. Believe it or not, a few of the guys have been asking for her, telling me they miss her cooking and shit.”

I forked a hardy helping of Megan’s shrimp pasta mix into my mouth. There was one thing I knew for sure. If a club member had fucked Megan, they’d be at my door right now attempting to kidnap her ass. And, what was up with my father calling her every name but Megan? The shit was weird, but pointing it out to my father would only agitate him.

I nodded my head at my father’s suggestion that Megan stay with me. “Yeah, that will be fine. She can stay here.”

Now, will you go the hell away from here so I can fuck her?

* * *

Megan – Day 20

I finishedmy meal but remained sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for Shark to leave. I couldn’t help wondering if Aaron and I were going to do it again. I had never had sex that many times in one night before and I damn sure had never cum that many times in one night. I didn’t even know it was possible.

Was it bad of me to want him to fuck—as Aaron would say—me again?