Page 7 of Twisted Minds

To keep from becoming the next one sent out back, I swallowed my sudden emergence of annoyance. “I’ve seen much worse growing up. You have nothing to worry about. I didn’t see shit.”

After those words, I turned away from Shark to go back into the kitchen. There was no need for him to tell me what I needed to do. Although I didn’t understand some of their rules, common sense gave me some insight on how this world worked. I filled a bucket with warm bleach water, grabbed the mop, and gathered some old rags.

Without being told to do so, I went back into the club area. The room had thinned considerably. The twenty or so bikers who’d eye-witnessed a murder were outside likely witnessing two additional executions.

The men who remained glared at me as I approached the crime scene with the cleaning supplies. Why in the hell were they staring at me when they were the ones who’d sent a body and two men out back? I was nothing but the cleaning lady.

Shark eyed me as I strolled past them and stopped at the bloodstained floor. It pleased me that I didn’t see any brain matter or chunks of human tissue. Thankfully, there was only blood.

Shark approached. Again, a pleased smile danced across his face. “This isn’t your first rodeo, is it?” he asked.

Was it amazement or pride I’d seen flash across his face and disappear as quickly as it had appeared? Was my behavior intriguing to him?

I shook my head at Shark before I started my task of cleaning up the blood and what I assumed was urine that Scud had released when he was struck with the lethal shots. I could sense Shark standing behind me, staring until one of his men called him away.