Page 33 of Twisted Minds

Aaron didn’t hide the twinge of shock that inched into his gaze. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, unsure of what to say to me as his gaze searched mine.

I explained, “I’m a writer. As crazy as it may appear to you, I just witnessed and survived enough to find a way to turn it into two or three bestsellers. I literally just stared death in the face and lived to talk about it. I can’t let something so astounding go to waste.”

Aaron’s hands dropped away from me at this point. He stared like he’d just seen the real me for the first time. My words seemed to have unnerved him more than the dead bodies on his kitchen floor.

He stared at me and down at the bodies alternately like he was trying to decide which was worse—my ability to handle a kitchen full of dead bodies or his actual kitchen full of dead bodies.

He unconsciously tapped me on my ass, and as much as I hated to admit it with dead bodies at my feet, I liked it. A moment ago, I was scared out of my twisted mind, but now that I’d gotten over the shock of it all, I was fine.

“Gather all the cleaning supplies, mop, and bucket, and all the bleach we have in the house. I have more supplies in the storage shed that I need to go out and grab.”

I guess that meant that he’d decided to take me up on my offer to help him clean up. However, he didn’t comment on the exclusive I’d asked him for, on his involvement with Chuck.

* * *

I pausedwhen Aaron entered the kitchen. He’d had to go up the back stairs and through the living room and back since both exits out of the kitchen were blocked by dead bodies.

He carried what I assumed was acid or some type of body dissolving agent. He placed the two gallon-sized jugs on the counter as he released a stack of rags from under his arms.

The dead men on his floor weren’t as interesting as he found me right then. Once he sat down the supplies, he stepped closer to his side of the counter and leaned over, eyeing me suspiciously. He pinned me with a gaze I couldn’t read, studying me.

“What are you doing, Megan?”

What could I say? He’d caught me standing over a dead body, studying it. I was interested to see where I’d shot Chuck since it seemed I’d been in some sort of daze when I’d pulled the trigger. Of course, I couldn’t tell Aaron why I’d been standing over a dead man.

“Seeing all we’ll have to clean,” I answered, lying.

“Come here, Megan.” Aaron beckoned me closer with a commanding finger.

I stepped away from Chuck’s lifeless body and walked over Clint’s to get to Aaron as Dutch’s dead eyes stared at us from the other direction.


He gripped my shoulders, pulling me closer before he spoke. “You know. I assumed that you were in shock earlier when you started talking about writing at a time like this. But, I was wrong, wasn’t I?”

He didn’t give me time to answer his question.

“You aren’t shocked at all. This excites you, and I think you’re just as fucking bat-shit crazy as me because watching you take all this crazy shit with ease has my fucking dick harder than a brick.”

My nipples hardened at his words and pressed against the soft fabric of his T-shirt. The sound of his voice, so hungry for me made my pussy muscles clench. Nothing more needed to be said. I reached down and palmed Aaron’s dick hard. The action caused him to take a deep sip of air as his mouth dropped open.

A second later, I was being hoisted on top of the table as Aaron proceeded to rip my underwear off. Despite all that had happened, I still hadn’t put on any pants or shoes. My legs were bruised from the fall we had taken on top of Dutch, and my arm and elbow were all scraped and battered, but I didn’t care.

All I could do was gasp when Aaron tugged down his pants and shoved his long, thick dick into my slick pussy with a hard thrust that reached clean to the back of me. Aaron’s powerful legs slapped against my inner thighs as the thump of the rocking table under our weight echoed over the dead silence of our audience.

We were so turned on and excited that it seemed like it only took minutes for us to reach our peak. I came so hard that my head swam with lightheadedness before I exploded into a cloud of a brilliant sensation. Aaron’s loud roar as he came inside me probably scared animals roaming outside in the woods.

After we came down from whatever sick and twisted thrill that had taken our minds, I finally threw on some pants and prepared to start the task at hand.