Page 14 of Twisted Minds

Chapter 8

Aaron - Day 16

The soundof pots banging and the aroma of food told me that my guest was in the kitchen cooking. I had no idea what the hell she was cooking, but I’d be damned if it didn’t smell good as fuck. I’d fallen asleep on the couch as I did most nights, and the rousing of my guest had awakened me. The sun hung dimly in the sky, and the low hums of different insects let me know that it was early morning. My ass had passed out and slept all night.

After I’d showed Megan to her room, I headed back to the couch. I’d intended to finish watching a basketball game I’d started, but sleep had dragged me under and kept me down.

Not used to having another living soul roaming around in my house, I’d reached for the pistol I kept in the shoulder of my couch. Come to think of it, I may have to put away the other guns hidden throughout the house. The fact that I was still breathing validated my guest’s intentions. She’d had all night to plot and plan my murder if that was her aim.

I forced myself to sit up so I could take a piss. As I leaned forward to stand, my guest stepped into the living room, carrying a plate piled high with food and a glass of something to drink.

She greeted me with a forced smile as she handed over the plate that I gladly took since my fucking stomach was eating my insides alive. I was sure I was missing a small intestine.

“Good morning, sir. Um, I meant good morning.”

“Aaron. You can call me Aaron and thank you,” I said, annoyed that she kept calling me sir.

She seemed surprised that I thanked her. Considering she’d been under the care of my father and the bunch of goons he was determined to raise in his image, I could understand her surprise.

“You’re welcome,” she voiced in a low tone.

She pointed at the glass in her hand of what I now noticed was water.

“There was only water and beer. I brought you some water unless you’d like a beer.”

I reached for the sweating glass of ice water, and my fingers inadvertently brushed her hand. Her skin was so damn warm and soft it didn’t even feel human. I cleared my throat and brushed away my reaction to touching her.

“Water is fine. Did you make a list of shit you think you may need? I’ll go and pick it up later today. It doesn’t matter what you put on the list, I’ll eat just about anything.”

That includes your pussy, if you’ll let me.

Down, boy. My ass needed to get laid before my fucking balls turned three shades of blue. And little Miss Mouse was looking about as tasty as a fucking piece of freshly-baked apple pie. She was an attractive woman. I couldn’t deny that.

She lowered her head, thankfully unaware of what I was thinking.

“Yes, I made the list already,” she said, before turning and rushing back towards the kitchen. She seemed to be running from me like I was a fucking monster. I didn’t blame her because I was. I was a scary-looking motherfucker. I knew as much, but most women seemed to like that shit.

After sniffing at one of my armpits, I wrinkled my nose. My ass was musty and dusty from my trip. I didn’t just smell like yesterday, I stunk like hot garbage, but a shower was going to have to wait because I intended to inhale the plate of food I’d been given.

The fluffy scrambled eggs still had steam flowing from them, and the ham had been seared to perfection. The two fat fluffy biscuits had butter drizzling over their golden-brown tops. The first few mouthfuls caused my eyes to close with appreciation.

“Damn, this shit is good,” I mumbled under my breath.

Now, I understood why the MC hadn’t turned down the food she’d set in front of them the other night. She could have poisoned the whole damn upper echelon of my MC if she’d wanted to. But, that sly band of hoodlums was still very much alive.

She’d managed to survive with them for two weeks without permanent damage, which meant that she’d earned a certain level of trust from them whether she knew it or not. Maybe she was as resourceful as my father had claimed and as crazy as I knew she must be for agreeing to do some shit like work for my MC.

I wolfed down the huge plate of food in minutes and gulped my water while shuffling towards the kitchen. The scent of cleaning products hit my nose before I reached the door. When I swung the door open and stepped into my kitchen, my feet stalled. The scene before me made my mouth hang open. I could literally eat off the damn floor. My kitchen was cleaner than it had been the day I’d walked into the finished house three years ago.

The sounds of shuffling and humming drew my attention, but I didn’t see my houseguest. I peeked around several corners before I walked my dishes over and sat them in the sink. When I walked past my kitchen island, I found Megan on her hands and knees. Half her body was in the kitchen pantry and the other half was bent over and sticking outside the door. Her ass was on full display, and despite the oversized clothes she wore, it was easy to see she had a nice ass.

Leaning farther over for a better view, I discovered that she had earphones in. Although I couldn’t see the device they were attached to, the purple earphones in her ears had her head tilting left and right as she sprayed Pledge and dusted the lower shelves of my pantry.

My fingers cupped my chin, musing over the details my father had revealed about her. He wasn’t lying about her being a worker, that’s for damn sure. I glanced around my kitchen once more. To have it looking this clean, she had to have been working since daybreak or last night after I’d passed out.

My shoulders lifted in a quick shrug, and I smiled. Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all. When I turned to head back to the living room, the list of shit I’d asked her to make was sitting on the counter.

“Well damn.”