Page 38 of Primo DeLuca

Chapter Fifteen


Nevah jumped into the clothes she had worn the previous night after pulling them from the dryer. We took the alternative route out of the safe house before we trekked back to my bike.

She clung to me so tightly that not even the noisy roar of the motorcycle’s engine or its endless vibrations kept me from the vibrant energy transfer she gave off. It was the same energy that made me lay claim to her in the middle of a DeLuca meeting.

Thirty minutes later, we’d ditched the bike for my gray Nissan Sentra that I kept parked in a hotel’s parking garage. The car slowed, my foot easing from the gas by the time my thinking caught up with my actions.

We were closer to the city this time, right on the edge before the population grew dense and the surroundings became too busy. This location was the least likely place anyone would search—a trailer park.

I stayed in the trailer periodically, a place where no one was the wiser about my identity. It was my retreat of sorts, the place I went when I needed to think and strategize. Nevah looked around, turning in her seat to scope out the location. She had surprised me with her request to stay by my side versus distancing from me for safety.

The fumes I was running on had burned out, leaving my raging mind to fall out of sync with my exhausted body. I glimpsed our surroundings, taking in the scene before hopping out of the vehicle and walking around it to help Nevah exit. For now, we needed to brave the storm we were caught in, and if we made it through, it would be the test that proved we were strong enough to be together.

Once I unlocked the front door, I opened it and allowed her to step inside first. I had purchased the two-bedroom mobile home and moved it to this specific park because it sat in a nook away from the high traffic and denser populated areas. My older neighbor, Mrs. Benton, who believed I worked as an offshore rigger, was happy to make the extra money I gave her to keep the place tidy and stocked.

“I promise that I can afford better for you. But, right now, this is probably the safest place we could be.”

“This is actually nice and cozy. It has a homey vibe about it that is more welcoming than that huge safe house was,” she said while continuing to take in the place. “After what just happened at the house, I get it. I’d stay in a tent in the woods if it means I live to see another day. The terror I just experienced was the kind of scare that makes you appreciate life and puts in perspective how much and how often we take it for granted. In the grand scheme of the last day and a half, this is perfectly fine.”

Pride swelled my chest. There weren’t many people I was proud of, but she was one of them.

I aimed a finger towards the bedroom area. “Bathroom’s that way if you’d like to get the road dust off and clean up.”

After she disappeared into the back, the sound of her rummaging through the drawers for something to put on registered. The spray of the shower sounded, and I finally closed my eyes and inhaled. I needed sleep. I needed to track down a traitorous killer within our family. I needed to find out if the hit out on me was still in effect and if it had been initiated by the same traitorous DeLuca that had set up Don Ermanno’s assassination.

I couldn’t recall when I had lumbered over to the couch, but I eased my head back, letting it fall into the comfort of the cushions. My gaze met the ceiling and remained there while all the details of the last few days raced through my brain, demanding attention.

“Primo,” a gentle voice called. “Primo,” sounded once more, ripping me away from the dream that vanished the moment I comprehended my transition from sleep to wakefulness.

There was no way not to smile when something so beautiful was filling my view. Nevah had taken her hair down, and the thick, dark tresses fell past her shoulders and fanned around her face. The warm sweet scent of whatever soap was in the bathroom commingled with her natural honey-ginger scent and had my mouth watering.

I lost the fight with my eyes, and they fell below her neck. Her tight nipples pushed against my white T-shirt she wore, the sight making me swallow to contain the sudden rush of lust that hit me.

The shirt was long enough on her that the tail teased her tempting thighs. A small strip of black peeked from under the shirt when she moved, indicating she’d fashioned a way to secure a pair of my silk boxers.

“The bathroom’s free if you’re ready to shower,” she said, giving me a knowing smirk for the way I was undressing her with my eyes and unable to stop my tongue from sliding across my lips.

“Thank you,” I finally replied, sitting up and unable to take my eyes off her even when she turned and headed back towards the bedroom. My T-shirt on her swayed to her rhythm and rose high enough to flash me peeks at her delicious brown thighs.

After a quick shower, I stepped back into the bedroom and found her lying in bed, staring absently at the ceiling. Although it was only eight p.m., she’d climbed into bed. I smiled at the sight of my side of the bed turned back. The gesture was simple but sweet and inviting. She must have understood my need for sleep, or I looked as tired as my drooping body suggested.

“What’s on your mind?” I questioned. Her unblinking gaze remained pinned on the ceiling.

The act of climbing into bed with her was natural, like I’d done it a thousand times. She gave a quick smile and didn’t protest my closeness, which should have been an intrusive act considering we’d just met. I lay back, comfortable on my back with my right arm tucked under my head. She sat up on her elbow facing me.

“I was allowing all that happened in the last few days to sink in. I’m trying to wrap my head around everything, but I can’t help asking, “What now? What should I do? How do I maneuver under these circumstances to live and find happiness?”

“There will be storms to weather, trouble that lies in wait, and danger that lurks and pops out of the darkness, but through it all, the good far outweighs the bad. A vow I made to myself on your behalf is to make sure you live well, are taken care of however you need, and to find and bring you happiness when I’m able. I intend to keep that vow, even when troubles come knocking.”

The smile on her face dragged mine to the surface. I didn’t know I could be that damned sappy and real with someone, but I meant every word.



“There is something you can do right now that would make me happy,” she said. Our gazes locked so tightly, neither of us blinked. “I have no doubt that things can be good, but tomorrow is not promised. Make love to me, Primo. Fuck me. Sex me up. Screw me. It doesn’t matter. I need something good right here and now.”