Chapter Ten
Once Nevah had received her lessons in self-preservation, I gave her a quick tour of the rest of the house before making the final stop at our bedroom.
“Are we staying there together?” A furrow creased her brows.
“Yes. Death may be unpredictable, but if it comes knocking, I prefer that it be me who answers.”
“Oh,” she said, allowing her gaze to travel around the room although she hadn’t moved to step inside.
“I enjoy being labeled a savage, but I’ve never, nor will I ever cross the line you’re thinking about right now.”
She flashed a twisted smile.
“You’re wrong about what you think I was thinking.”
“How so?”
“I was thinking that it’s been a long time since I’ve been in bed with a man. I was wondering if I wanted to be a good girl or a bad one.”
The blood in my veins ran hot before a substantial amount traveled south. Next thing I knew, my hands were sliding around her waist before I drew her to me, making our bodies kiss.
“Please, don’t be good. Be bad. Be very bad,” I whispered before I lowered my lips to hers. The first soft caress of our swirling kiss closed my eyes, her pillowy lips melting into mine. The calming warmth, the supple caresses, and the little whimpers that slid out of her mouth and vibrated into mine fanned the heat of the passion burning through me.
My intention was to not go there with her this fast, but that damned statement of hers had opened the freeway of impure thoughts I’d been having about her since I’d first laid eyes on her.
Now, I needed to show her why I staked my claim before anyone else could get their hands on her. If she was playing a brilliant mind game on me and was one of the assassins, she would have to wait until after we were done before she executed her attempt on my life.
My tongue slipped between her lush lips, and she deepened the kiss, sucking so hungrily the sparks of our passion threatened to burn me alive. The fumes from the blaze shot straight to my already hard dick.
Her body was the epitome of sexy, her tits full and supple, and her plump ass felt good in my hands, even through her jeans.
I had taken more time vetting a woman I was planning to fuck in a bar bathroom than I had Nevah. However, none had captured my attention so fully and instantly. She made me forget about that dark part of me that craved certain aspects of death that would earn me the label of sociopath.
I didn’t have a name for it yet, but Nevah was special and so fucking sexy that the mere sight of her made me forget myself. She had a unique way in which she held my stare, like she could shimmy her way into my thoughts and take control of them. And her body…
“Shit,” I growled, filling my palm with one of her tits while the other went sliding over a plump ass cheek.
Reluctantly, I drew away from our kiss, loving that sex-crazed glint in her eyes. She was as ready as I was, her body jittery with edgy movements that acted as the voice for her arousal.
“This doesn’t make any sense.” She whispered the words like they were a secret. Her face was a mix of confusion and lust. “I hope you don’t think I’m normally like this, jumping on every man who lays claim and disguises it as a rescue. But you…” Her hand flicked along my abs before she sat them in place, undecided on her next move. “There is something about you that my body and mind craves, no matter how crazy the circumstances.”
My lips brushed her forehead. The delicate kiss was an unfamiliar sentiment on my part, but I believed she needed the reassurance that she would be okay. That we would be okay.
“That’s one of the best compliments I think I’ve ever received from anyone. You might as well go on and propose to me,” I suggested, offering a lopsided smile while my hands rested at her waist.
The comment had her leaning back and glancing up with a teasing side-eye.
“Don’t look at me that way. You know as well as I do that something is going on between us. I don’t know you, Nevah, but I know that I want you in my life and that it would be extremely difficult for me to let you go.”
She didn’t reply but threw her arms around me in a hug so tight, it was like she was using the snug embrace to stave off the charged energy consuming us. I couldn’t explain us any more than I could predict the weather.
The strength of the hug affected me and bought on a surge of weird impulses, but it wasn’t all sexual. The emotional charge expanded and dragged me out of the fog of my lust. It allowed me to absorb the unique and all-consuming connection we were sharing.
This was a first for me. We stood there, held within each other’s embrace. I rested in the peace, quiet, and comfort that settled over us.