Lord, if you get me out of this one, I promise I’ll read the bible more. I’ll go to church more. I'll get on my knees and pray more.
The SUV was whipped into the driveway of a large single story brick house and driven around to the garage that was conveniently located at the back of the house.
My breathing started to rush. I chewed hard into my bottom lip, making it slide harshly against the sharp edges of my teeth. Sitting still was out of the question. My neck and body was on a constant swivel, sometimes going in two different directions, my movement was so erratic. The seat squeaked under me while we waited for the garage to lift.
“Stay calm. We are not going to hurt you Nevah,” the big guy said before the SUV entered the garage and came to a stop. The garage door began to fall behind us. It was an extra barrier blocking my freedom as far as I was concerned.
The only thing that drew my attention was the man throwing the door open and climbing out. He reached back inside the vehicle to help me out. My gaze dropped to his hand, staring at it like it was a snapping alligator.
He stood patiently waiting until I found the courage to take his hand. I slid to the edge of the seat and allowed my hand to tighten around his before I jumped out of the vehicle.
The sister stood at the door that led into the house with her back to us. She pulled her gun, aiming it skyward before she pushed the door and let it creak open into the shadows inside the house. She glanced back and gave her brother a perceptive nod before she disappeared into the house.
He turned his back to me, facing the exit although the garage door was closed. They were being extra careful and making sure this place was secure.
His gun was sitting right there in my face. It was shoved down the back of his pants and so close, all I had to do was lift my hand to touch it.
“All clear!” The sister called, making me jump and snap my eyes away from the big shiny pistol.
We turned in the direction of the entrance and the peculiar behavior of these two just kept getting weirder. It appeared as if the big man was about to be a gentleman and place a hand on my lower back to escort me, but he stopped himself. Instead, he ushered his hand towards the door where his sister waited. The smile in her eyes was small, barely noticeable, but reassuring.
My face squinted, still confused about their purpose with me. They were acting protective over me instead of like people who intended to do me harm.
I forced my legs to move me in the sister’s direction, my steps awkward and slow. A little twitch of a smile flashed across the woman’s pouty lips.
“Have you decided yet if we’re the good guys or the bad guys?” She asked.
“No,” I answered, making my approach to the three steps that led into the doorway she stood in.
“You’re definitely the bad guys, but if you let me go right now, I’ll upgrade your status to good-bad guys.”
She broke out laughing while stepping aside so that I could walk inside.
“I like you,” she said, amusement in her tone. She took the lead getting in front of me.
“Have a seat there. I’ll grab you some water. Are you hungry?” she asked while I stepped into the large living room and headed towards the tanned colored leather couch she pointed out.
“No,” I replied, sitting on the large couch and tracking the man’s every move. He sat next to me on the couch, but not close enough for me to freak out.
The woman returned, sitting a bottle of water in front of me and one for her brother on the coffee table while she sipped from hers. She sat on the other side of me, closer to me than her brother.
Was I a fool to trust the way I felt around these two? I didn’t feel threatened anymore. I sensed that they were protecting me based on our seating arrangement. I would venture to say these two took their job of safeguarding me seriously. Like Primo said the loyal ones would, the little voice in my head reminded me.
“What would you do if I called myself an Uber, got up, and left? If you’re my protection like you say, don’t you want me to feel safe, mentally as well as physically?”
Neither answered, but they didn’t try to hide their smiles. Apparently, I amused them.
“I know this is a jarring situation to be in, but trust us on this, our family is in disorder right now, and you could easily end up in the hands of someone that would rip out your heart and mail it to Primo, just to get a reaction out of him,” the sister said.
That statement shut me the hell up about leaving, for now.