Raine looks at me to see if she can talk freely. I nod. “Mariel’s a vault on professional stuff.”

“JJ’s always been intense,” Raine says slowly, “but lately, he’s been off the charts. He’s stressed out about being the new team leader.”

“Huh,” Mariel says. “I don’t think he’s going to be a good team leader if he can’t handle stress. Or a good SEAL at all.”

“Oh, he’s a great operator,” Raine says, “but only with Mason in the lead. They’re a strong team. I think JJ’s having growing pains—knowing he has to operate without Mason.”

“Is that why he hates you so much, Millie?”

“You picked up on that, huh?” I say, shaking my head.

“Kind of hard not to. He straight-out snapped at you when you said hi to him today. What’s that about?”

“I have no idea. He’s had something against me from the first day I arrived on the base.”

“He’s really protective of Mason,” Raine says. “You know, he’s the number two, so it’s his primary job to take care of number one. That’s how the teams are structured. I’m sure that’s how Mack was with Chase.”

“Yeah, Mack had Chase’s back, but he didn’t have a problem with Chase dating me. I’m not sure he even thought about it that much.”

“Yeah, but would Mack have had a problem if Chase quit the teams to move across the country to be with you?”

“Chase never would have left the teams to be with me. I know he loves me, but Mason’s on a different level with Millie. He’s completely obsessed.” She sees my eyes widen and reaches over to pat my hand again. “But in a good way, honey.”

“He’s not obsessed with me.”

They both roll their eyes.

“Well, I don’t know Mason very well yet,” Mariel says, “but I can already tell you that he makes his own decisions. It’s not Millie’s fault he quit the team. So JJ better back off my girl if he’s going to be around me. I don’t care if he’s the size of a whole damn building. I will still take him out.”

“You know, I’ve never seen you on your sixth glass of wine,” I say, laughing. “I guess that’s when you reach your delusional stage.”

“Okay, first stop counting my drinks like a stalker,” Mariel says, pointing at me. “And if I can’t take JJ out by myself, Mack’s going to help me. After he snapped at you, Mack’s eyes didn’t leave him. Your dad’s a very scary person when he wants to be.”

“Well, let’s hope it doesn’t get to that point—”

Mariel interrupts me. “And I thought it was weird that Mason didn’t say anything to JJ. I mean, he was standing right there when JJ snapped at you. I’ve seen Mason almost take a guy’s arm off for accidentally bumping into you. What’s that about?”

“They’re best friends, Mar,” I say, looking at Raine for help. “It’s complicated.”

“Yeah,” Raine says. “I think Mason’s trying to manage JJ’s stress level. He wants him to be successful in the team lead.”

Mariel takes a deep breath. “Again, inability to handle stress is not a good quality for a team leader to have. Chase was in the team lead for almost a decade. I never saw him lose it.”

“Yeah, Mason’s like ice, too,” Raine says. “Hopefully, JJ will get there.”

“Yeah, hopefully or he’s going to get someone killed,” Mariel says, standing up. “We should probably get outside before Mason comes looking for Millie. I know he can be apart from her for more than like a few minutes at a time.”

Raine laughs. “Damn, Mariel. I’m going to like you, too. That’s a spot-on observation.”

* * *