Millie, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 2020

“So what’s the deal with the tension between your dad and Mason?” Raine says as the door clicks behind the guys heading out to the patio.

We just finished eating. Mariel insisted that Raine and I stay inside for “girl time.” Mariel’s on her fifth glass of wine. Although she’s spaced them out throughout the day, this is still unprecedented. She gets crazy nosy after two glasses, almost insane by three, so this is very dangerous territory.

“What tension?” I say as innocently as I can.

Raine rolls her eyes. “C’mon, Mills. You haven’t been out of interrogations that long. I know you haven’t lost any of your perception skills.”

Mariel smiles at Raine. “I’m going to like you. I can tell that already. Very direct. Yes, Millie, please tell us why your dad and Mason are acting like dogs trying to mark their territory. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them lifts a leg on you soon—”

“Inappropriate!” I point my finger at Mariel. “And disgusting. I’m putting you on lock-down. No more wine.”

“Classic avoidance technique—turn the attention back on the questioner.” Raine smiles at Mariel.

“Raine,” I say, raising my eyebrows. “Don’t make me sic Mariel on you.”

“Fine,” she says, laughing. “We don’t have to talk about it—for now.”

Mariel sits down opposite us at the table. “So Raine, has Millie told you as little about me as she’s told me about you?”

“Pretty much.”

“Yeah, she likes to keep all her people separate—just like her dad,” Mariel says as she scoops up the last tiny morsel of chocolate cake. “Maybe she should try to keep us better informed about the other people in her life.”

“Mar, I’ve been kind of busy lately. I mean, let’s see, in the past month, I’ve watched my aunt die and watched my boyfriend get shot and almost die. And, then what’s that other thing? Oh yeah, I found out my dad was alive after thinking he was dead for nine years. Sorry if I didn’t have time to give you a rundown on Raine.”

Raine laughs. “Actually, I’m kind of secretive, too. I think when you work at the agency, you’re so used to hiding things, you don’t talk much about anything.”

“Exactly,” I say, rolling my eyes at Mariel.

“Well we can get to know each other now,” Mariel says, turning her attention to Raine. “So Raine, are you dating anyone?”

“No,” Raine says slowly. “Frankly, I don’t have much time to look.”

“Let me look for you—”


“Millie, she’s a busy working woman who only meets SEALs. I’m just saying it would probably do our group good if one of us dated outside the fold. We could use some new blood.”

“Yeah, I definitely don’t want to date any of those guys,” Raine says, waving her hand toward the patio. She looks at me quickly. “No offense.”

“None taken. Although I still think you should consider Ty’s offer. He’s so sweet.”

“What?” Mariel starts rubbing her hands together feverishly like she’s about to hatch an evil scheme. “Ty asked you out? Which one is he? The small one with the adorable curls?”

“No, that’s Mouse,” I say. “Ty’s the quiet one with the really dark hair.”

“Ooo, he’s cute.” Mariel swats my hand away as I try to block her from pouring another glass of wine. “And who can resist the strong, silent type? That’s what I noticed about Chase first. All of the other guys on his team—including Mack—actively hunted the women at the bar, but Chase just sat back and observed. I can tell you when he started observing me, it was all I could do not to jump right on top of him and—”

“Oh my God, stop!” I say, throwing my hands over my face.

“Millie doesn’t like it when I talk about my sex life with Chase,” Mariel says, laughing. “And, she especially doesn’t like when I talk about Mack’s sex life. And believe me, it was plentiful.”

“Mariel,” I groan. “My nightmares have completely gone away since I found Dad. Why are you trying to give me new ones?”

She pats my hand. “Raine, I think you should date outside the teams, but if you’re going to sample from SEAL menu, any of them would be good choices except that JJ guy. What’s his deal?”