Mack took a second to process the information. “So what are you telling me? Yusef is coming for Millie? She’s pretty safe here in the States.”
“I’ve been following Millie for the last two days. She isn’t as safe as you think.”
Mack shoved the table hard against Amar’s ribs. He leapt up and grabbed Amar’s crumpled body and slammed him against the wall. “What did you say?” Mack said harshly into Amar’s face. “You’ve been following my daughter?”
“I would never hurt her,” Amar said quickly. “Nejra was my best friend.”
Mack threw Amar back down in the chair and shoved his finger in his face. “Stay the fuck away from Millie. Do you hear me? I will kill you.”
“I’m not your problem.” Amar tried to bring his tone back down to a controlled level. “I wanted to see if someone could find her, and I found out they can. As I said, only Azayiz and I know your name. Yusef does not. I’m here to warn you he has started digging. I can’t imagine he will figure out easily who you are. Yusef is not that bright. But if he finds out who you are, he is only one step away from Millie. I don’t care about you, but I will always love Nejra. And I will do anything I can to protect her daughter. I would think her father would be prepared to do the same thing.”
Mack sat back down. “Where are they? Sayid and Yusef? No one has been able to locate them in almost two decades. Tell me where they are, and we’ll take them out.”
“I don’t know where they are. I don’t want to know,” Amar said quietly. “I don’t want them to know where I am. If I did know, I would tell you. I have no allegiance to them anymore.”
“So what are you asking me to do? Go into hiding? I’m guessing you know what I do for a living. I can’t very well do that.”
“I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m delivering a message from Azayiz. You’re in danger. Millie is in danger. It’s just a matter of time before they find you and then her. I don’t want her to die, but it’s out of my hands now. I’ve done what I promised to do.” Amar put his hands on the table and slowly stood up. “I would like to leave now if you will allow it.”
Mack nodded toward the door. Amar instinctively put his hands in the air as he walked past Mack.
As he opened the door, Amar said, “She looks like Nejra.”
“I know.” Mack paused as he tried to clear the lump that was quickly forming in his throat. “Thank you for calling to tell me about Millie. She’s the only reason I have any happiness.”
Amar turned around and smiled slightly at Mack before he closed the door behind him.