Chapter Seven

Virginia Beach, Virginia

July 25, 2011

“Damn, Mack. You’re shooting like a sniper today—all fifteen rounds right in the head,” Chase said as he watched Mack empty his rifle into the target down range. “Must have been that visit from Carol last night.”

Mack snapped his head toward Chase. “How’d you know she was here? You stalking me?”

“Believe me, I have no desire to know what you do on your free time. My wife, on the other hand . . .”

“So what? Mariel is stalking me?”

“I guess Mar and Carol are friends now.”

“What? How’d that happen?”

“Apparently, that’s what women do when you introduce them,” Chase said, shaking his head. “I told you not to bring her around the bar unless you wanted everyone up in your business.”

“They only talked for like two minutes that night. How does that work itself into friendship?”

“Mariel works fast. You already know that. And she wants you married off. Carol’s the only decent woman you’ve brought around in, well, ever.”

“We’re not getting married. We’re just friends.”

“With benefits, apparently . . .”

“Wait. Carol told Mar we’re having sex?”

“No, but you just told me,” Chase said, laughing.

“You’re an asshole.”

“Like I don’t know that already.”

“Man, don’t tell Millie about Carol,” Mack said.

“How am I going to tell her anything? I literally have not seen that child since you brought her back from Bosnia. I still don’t know why you don’t bring her around here.”

“I told you I don’t want her anywhere near this base—near this life. This shit is totally separate from her. She’s sweet and gentle. She doesn’t need to know this life any more than she already does. Besides, I’m out in two months. Too late to bring her around now.”

“Why don’t you want her to know about Carol? Doesn’t Millie like her?”

“She loves her. Carol is like the closest thing Millie has to a mother. She’s been friends with Carol’s daughter, Chloe, since she was about three.”

“So why wouldn’t she want you dating her?”

“She would want me dating her. In fact, she’s told me to date her,” Mack said as he ejected the empty mag and started taking his rifle apart to clean it. “I don’t want to get her hopes up. Carol and I aren’t getting married.”

“Well, I can see if she doesn’t want to marry you. She could do better.”

“It’s not like that. Millie and I are moving soon. Carol’s entire family is in the Outer Banks or just around there. It wouldn’t work out.”

“And you’d have to give up your harem.”

“I’d gladly give them up. That’s just stress relief. Not even in the same class with Carol.”

“I don’t know, man. I saw the way she was looking at you at the bar. I think she’d move to California to be with you.”