“Sounds about right. I’m retiring three months after you. I guess I’ll get that talk soon.”

“Probably,” Mack said, changing the subject. “They found anyone to replace you at team lead?”

“Probably Bobby. He’s been waiting for a team. I don’t know, though. I’d give the keys to Harry right now.”

“No, man. He’s too young.”

“I don’t know. I think he’s definitely going to make it further than any of us. Maybe Rear Admiral Culver someday.”

Mack tried to play along, but his mind was on Millie. He wished he could see her one more time, but he knew he’d never be able to leave if he did. “Yeah. That’ll be the day. No way Culver outranks you,” Mack said, forcing a smile.

Chase grabbed Mack’s arm and stopped him. “You okay? You seem kind of out of it.”

“Yeah, I’m good. All good,” Mack said briskly. “Just looking forward to getting over there. You know I get restless when we’re not busy.”

“Yeah, well wheels up tomorrow morning. Hopefully we’ll get back soon, so it won’t delay your trip to San Diego with Millie. When are you scheduled to leave? August 6?”

“That’s the plan,” Mack said, his voice cracking slightly.

Chase sighed. “Well you know what we always say: ‘No plan survives first contact with the enemy.’”