“I know they’re pretty to look at—”

“Look, but not touch,” Roman laughs.

“No, I don’t want to touch.” Michael walks into the picture and scrunches his face up. “Icky.”

Roman shakes his head and sighs. “Soph, will you please come to the island with us next time? There are too many gays down here for me?”

“Honey, you’re gay.”

“I know, but I need a little straight to balance the energy. You can bring Sam.”

I grimace. Roman and Michael are crazy protective of me. I’ve been avoiding telling them. “I broke up with Sam.”

“What?” they say in unison as Roman puts the phone right up to his face. His chin’s tight. I can tell he’s clenching his teeth.

“What happened, Soph? Did he do something to you?” Roman growls. His eyes are narrowing into his scary look. I’ve literally seen grown men cry when he’s looked at them like this. “I’m calling Los. He and the guys can pay Sam a little visit while we’re out of town.”

“Keep your crazy brothers away from him!” I try unsuccessfully to stare him down. “Roman! I’m serious. It’s a long story, but it’s a good thing that I’m rid of him. Everyone needs to forget about him and move on. Promise me.”

“Do I need to call Maisie to get the story?”

“Excuse me?” I spritz rose water on my face to try to cool down. “Maisie’s been my best friend since we were kids. She’s loyal to me, not you.”

“You know how much she loves me—”

“Roman!” I point into the phone and try to give him my fiercest look. “Back off!”

He stares at me for a minute. “Okay,” he says slowly, “but if I find out he—”

“Stop!” I take a deep breath. “Forget about it, please. I’ve got to go. I’m already so late. Maisie’s going to kill me. It’s her bachelorette.”

“Aww, tell her congrats for us,” Michael says as he starts massaging Roman’s shoulders. “And promise us you won’t get too drunk, Little Miss Lightweight.”

“I promise. I have a morning meeting. I’m probably not going to drink tonight.”

“Famous last words.” Michael gets right up next to the phone and blows me a kiss.

“Bye, guys. Love you!”

As I hang up, I hear Michael yelling, “Bye, Sophia. You’re too good for Sam. You’re too good for everyone.”

* * *