The bar’s grand opening event had been a huge success.

“You and Trent really pulled this off,” Jess said to her as they collected empty beer mugs and wineglasses from the tables throughout the tavern, well after midnight. “You two make a really great team.”

Whitney smiled, exhausted but exhilarated by the amazing turnout that evening. “We really do.” They’d worked together for weeks, planning and organizing the event, and with her marketing expertise and connections and his hard work and dedication, the event had been a bigger hit than they’d anticipated. The bar had been open a few months now and had been doing well, but that evening’s official grand opening had really solidified the new establishment in the small town.

“I meant in more ways than one,” Jess said, sending her a knowing grin.

Whitney blushed, catching Trent’s loving gaze from across the bar. His tired, lopsided grin as he wiped the wooden surface made her heart race. She wholeheartedly agreed. They were perfect together.

Unfortunately, the next day, her commitment to the relationship was put to the test.

“Knock-knock,” a male voice said, tapping on her open office door.

Whitney looked up in surprise to see the rep from Bacardi. She’d been working with the man from L.A. for weeks, as they were the official liquor sponsor for Trent’s Tavern, offering prizes and free drinks, but had only met him face-to-face the night before at the event. “Hi, James…”

“The receptionist wasn’t at her desk. Okay if I come in?” he asked.

“Sure, of course.” She sat straighter as he entered and took the seat across from her. He was dressed casually in jeans and a sweater, his peppered gray hair gelled back, but there was a definite air of business radiating from him. “Did you enjoy the event?” she asked.

Was he here to pull his sponsorship? Had they reconsidered? Her pulse raced, and she wiped sweaty palms against her dress pants, her mind already reeling with a list of other liquor suppliers she could reach out to.

“It was fantastic. Really great job,” he said.

Her shoulders relaxed.

“But what really impressed me was you.”

She blinked. Her?

James leaned forward and folded his hands on her desk. “The last few weeks have been one of the smoothest business transactions I’ve had in years. Your professionalism and knowledge of the marketing side of this business was ultimately what led to our decision to sponsor the location.”

She wasn’t sure what to say. The compliment was the highlight of her career, but she couldn’t take all the credit. “Trent will make a wonderful business p-partner,” she stammered.

“Oh, I know he will,” James said. “But I’m here to offer you an opportunity.”

Whitney swallowed hard. “What kind of opportunity?”

“We are looking for a new East Coast rep. You’d be essentially on the opposite end of these kinds of negotiations. You’d visit bars and restaurants all over the East Coast and discover the ones we should partner with.”

She gaped. “Travel all over the East Coast?”

He nodded. “The job consists of about seventy percent travel. All expenses covered and a great starting salary. Perfect for a young, single, ambitious person starting out in their career. It’s where I started with the company before I married and had kids,” he said with a wistful longing that made her think he missed those good old days. “What do you think? Interested?”

“Oh…um…” Was she? A few months ago, she’d have jumped at the opportunity. No hesitation. Since completing her online degree, she’d applied to dozens of opportunities in the city with bigger companies, but she’d never gotten an opportunity to prove her skills and that she was just as capable as a candidate with a more impressive résumé.

Months ago, she’d already be packing her things. But now, things were different… “Can I think about it?”

He seemed slightly surprised, as though he’d actually expected her to sign an employment contract on the spot. And she wasn’t completely sure why she wasn’t. He was right. She was young, ambitious, starting out in her career…but she wasn’t exactly single, and while the relationship with Trent was new and not something she should base huge life decisions on…it was important to her. She wasn’t quite ready to make this leap without considering what it meant for them.

Which in itself told her almost everything she needed to know.

“Just a few days,” she said at his silence.

He nodded and stood. “Of course. Think about it and let me know.” He headed toward the door. “But just a heads-up that we have a new trainee program starting in three days in L.A.…so don’t take too long.”

Three days to consider a whole new life path. “I won’t,” she said, trying to sound confident over the tightening of her chest. “And thank you.”

He tapped the doorframe and left the office, and Whitney sat there conflicted.