“Courts may feel differently. The boys might, too. They miss him. And they miss L.A.” She sighed. “I’m not sure what I can offer—broke, single mom who’s moved them to the middle of nowhere, away from their…father”—she stumbled on the word—“and friends.”

Trent sat on the edge of the desk and touched her shoulder. “You’re so much more than that. You’re a fantastic mom who has their best interests at heart. Unlike their father, who sees them as a way to impress a new woman.” What would happen to the boys when Angel’s ex got tired of this new woman and no longer needed them around? Would he ship them back to Angel?

Angel looked unconvinced. “I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose them, Trent. Those boys are my world.”

His heart ached for her. He couldn’t imagine how hard this was. He loved kids, and he didn’t even want to imagine how tough a divorce would be if he were only able to see his children part of the time. It would break him up inside.

“Hey, chin up. You’ll get through this, and you’ll come out on top.” He paused. “And I’ll try to make Blue Moon Bay a little more appealing for the boys.”

She frowned. “How?”

“I could use some help with the construction on the new location. Sharrun’s Construction is doing the reno, but the boys could learn hard work and earn some extra arcade cash by helping out at the jobsite.” He’d need to run it past Wes, but he knew it wouldn’t be a problem. Trent would pay the boys for the work himself.

“Really? That would be… Wait. New location?” Her eyes widened. “You found one?”

Trent took the papers from the scanner and handed them to Angel. “About an hour away. Prime location on the beach.”

She scanned the pictures and the details. “Definitely needs some work, but I can see this looking great once you’ve turned it into a Trent’s Tavern,” she said excitedly. “This is really fantastic.”

“Thanks.” He appreciated her support. It felt good to tell someone… He just wished he were sharing the news with the most important person to him, the person this impacted the most, besides him.

His fiancée.

Chapter Fourteen


Whitney quietly slipped out of bed early the next morning, shutting off her alarm before it could sound and wake up Trent. She’d heard him slip in the night before, sometime after three. She stared at him now, sprawled across the bed on his stomach, his arms and legs sticking out of the blankets. Out cold. She’d never met anyone who could sleep as soundly as Trent.

Though it must be easy to sleep when there was nothing to keep him up worrying at night. Trent was such a great man, and karma treated him accordingly.

Bringing her dinner at the office the day before had been a sweet gesture, obviously spurred by her vulnerability she’d shown the night after the haunted house disaster. She would normally be disappointed in herself for having shown the moment of weakness, resulting in him wanting to take care of her, but instead she was actually feeling a lot better.

Maybe breaking down sometimes wasn’t such a bad thing.

The day before, after a good night’s sleep in Trent’s arms, she’d felt refreshed and more motivated in the office as she and Scott had worked on theRace Across Americapitch together. She was keeping her promise to let him be involved, and it actually wasn’t so bad to have another opinion on the project. Scott was also funnier than she’d allowed herself to discover and an overall nice guy. He’d had her in stitches with stories of his own failed attempts at surfing. And it was true, laughing was therapeutic.

Getting out of bed, Whitney grabbed her work clothes she’d laid out the night before, and after kissing Trent gently, she left the room. She headed to the bathroom down the hall to get ready for work instead of using the en suite, not wanting to wake him.

She turned on the shower and undressed. Her vision blurred slightly as she went to step into the tub, and she closed her eyes tight, waiting for it to pass. She carefully opened them again and still, the little blue fish on the sea-themed shower curtain swam together.

She climbed in under the spray anyway and took several deep breaths as the water cascaded down her back. Her vision issues were always the worst first thing in the morning and late at night. Stressing about it only made it harder.

She reached for a shampoo bottle and poured the liquid into her hand, realizing too late that it was the conditioner. Damn bottles looked identical. Guess she was co-washing that day.

She lathered her hair, rinsed it, and by the time she shaved her legs, her vision was mostly back to normal.

As she reached for the tap to turn off the shower, she heard the bathroom door open. Trent peeked a sleepy-looking face around the curtain. “Want some company?”

“Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“Because I heard there was a sexy, naked woman in here,” he said with a grin.

Those damn dimples. She could never get enough of that grin. Whitney pulled the curtain back and nodded for him to get in.

He yanked off his underwear and stepped in with her, closing the curtain again behind him.

Her heart raced at the sight of his nakedness.