I’ll try to make it,she texted back.

And she really would.

As she set the phone on her desk, a new email appeared, and seeing the TV network’s email address in her inbox, her heart raced. She wasn’t sure what news she actually wanted.

Clicking on the email, she read:

Congratulations! Blue Moon Bay has been selected for the official pitch round…

“We got it!” she shouted before she’d even finished reading the message, practically bouncing in her chair. She couldn’t believe it. This was the biggest promotional opportunity she’d ever had to manage—and they hadn’t spent a dime.

Making it to the football field that evening was the last thing on her mind as she immediately got to work.

As Trent had predicted, Eddie was a natural.

Of course, getting the teen to play well out of skill instead of anger at being there, anger at the world, would be the biggest challenge. But he’d shown up to the practice, and that was a start. Wings with the team would help. Food bonded teenage boys.

“Thanks again for this, Trent. I think this is exactly what the boys need,” Angel said as she stood next to him on the football field, watching the boys run drills with the team. Wes was warming them up, and the former high school football star wasn’t going easy on the newcomers.

Liam was tall but thin. He would struggle with the bigger boys tackling…if they could catch him. He was damn fast. Eddie was shorter, stockier. More the traditional football player build. Trent was actually surprised that he had never played before. According to Angel, their father hadn’t been a fan of contact sports, insisting the boys learn tennis and golf, things that emphasized individual talent and skills. The man either didn’t understand or appreciate the value of being part of a team. The more Trent heard about Angel’s ex, the less he liked the guy.

“They’re good,” he told Angel. “With some practice, I think they could both be great assets to the team.” He laughed. “Hey, and if nothing else, maybe we can tire them out enough not to be so annoying.”

She smiled the way only a relieved mom could smile as she tapped her folded forearms. “I owe you.”

“Don’t even think about it.” He checked his watch. “You have a full hour to yourself. Why don’t you do something crazy…like read that book you keep carrying around.”

She laughed. “Maybe I will.”

Instead, he saw her climb the stands and take a seat on the bleachers to watch the boys.

He scanned the gravel parking lot behind him. No sign of Whitney yet. He wasn’t surprised, and he also wasn’t upset. She’d offered dinner, and he was the one that evening with a conflicting schedule. He couldn’t hold that against her, and he wouldn’t. He suspected she realized she’d missed his birthday the day before and it had been an attempt to make it up to him.

At least she’d wanted to make the effort. That meant a lot to him.

Since the day at the pumpkin patch, he’d been hoping to keep that momentum going. She’d relaxed and enjoyed herself that day, and he thought that if she took more days like that, it might help her realize the importance of a healthier work/life balance.

He really hoped she made it this evening.

Wes jogged toward him, slightly out of breath. “Those new kids aren’t bad.” He opened a large duffel bag and started taking out the rest of the gear.

Trent nodded, returning his attention to the field. “Well, you know how it is. Anyone can do drills. Let’s go see what they’ve got.”

Whitney pulled into the gravel lot next to the football field and climbed out. There were only a few minutes left in the practice, but at least she’d made it. And she would join the team for wings. Leaving the office had been difficult with work unfinished, but it was one night, and everyone was right—she did put a lot…okay, too much time in. She deserved a break now and then.

She paused at the field entrance. Trent was demonstrating a defense technique, tackling poor Wes with ease. Wes might have been the local sports hero in town before an injury had derailed any chance at a professional career, but her fiancé had at least fifty pounds on him. He looked so amazing out there. His body was built for sports, so strong and capable and a force of nature.

He’d certainly stormed his way into her life.

The first time she’d seen Trent, she’d been a goner, and not only because he was naked. He was exactly what she’d looked for in a man—strong, confident, tall, and muscular. She’d often struggled with men feeling intimidated by her because of her ambition, but Trent had only ever been supportive and proud. He was the perfect partner for her.

But seeing him with the kids made her chest hurt. He was so wonderful with them, and it was obvious that the teens looked up to Trent and respected him. He was patient and fun, yet firm, and he let them know when they’d messed up. A lot of the kids on the team needed the discipline that came with being there. Organized sports were important, and she knew Trent was looking forward to coaching his own kids someday.

Whitney headed across the field, then paused, seeing Angel in the stands. She was watching the field, too. And it seemed the bar manager’s gaze was locked on Trent, not her two teenage boys out on the field.