Enjoy the moment. This moment here with her right now.

The future could wait, and maybe he needed to stop living for what was next and focus on what they had.

The ride stopped a few minutes later, and he jumped down, extending a hand to her. She hopped off, and he checked his watch. Forty minutes and counting. “What’s next?”

“The corn maze?”

He hesitated. “That may take a little longer than forty minutes. You know how we get lost.”

Whitney stood on tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I won’t hold you to the time promise.”

He had to fight to keep his jaw from dropping. If they could just stay here forever…

“Okay, well, remember you said that,” he said, kissing her gently, his heart feeling as though for the first time in a long time, he had his fiancée back.

Whitney’s sides ached from laughing as she and Trent hit another dead end in the maze. “Why are these damn things so hard?”

Trent turned in a circle and jumped several times, trying to use even more height to see over the cornstalks. “I could have sworn we were supposed to go left at the scarecrow holding a shovel.”

Whitney moved closer and placed her hands on his chest. “I think you’re getting us lost on purpose.” And she didn’t care one little bit.

She couldn’t quite explain the magic of this place or its effect on her, but since she was a small child, her family had visited the farm every year, and the tradition and the wonderful memories always seemed to lift her spirits instantly, from the moment she smelled the hot chocolate, saw the pumpkins, and enjoyed the activities.

Trent bringing her here today had been just the break she hadn’t wanted to admit she needed. Taking time off always seemed like a bad idea. As though the work would pile up and she’d fall further behind. Any other time, she’d be stressed and not enjoy the time off anyway. But today, she felt better than she had in a long time.

She’d forgotten how much she missed this time with Trent.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stood on tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips. The taste of chocolate lingered on him, and he smelled like the fresh fall air.

He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet as he kissed her back. She felt the passion and desire in his kiss but also a happiness and a sense of relief. As though he’d gotten her back.

But for how long…?

Chapter Nine


In her office the next morning, it was back to business as usual as Whitney opened the television network’s website and followed the links to the location casting callout page. Scott had offered to do the application, but there was no way she was leaving this in his hands.

Though there really wasn’t much to this preliminary stage.

Basic info about the town, its location and population, and a 140-character pitch about why they should be considered. Whitney filled in the required info and uploaded the best images she had on file of Blue Moon Bay, then hit Submit.

Now all they could do was wait.

Part of her hoped they weren’t chosen to move on with a formal application and pitch. The holidays were coming up, and soon she’d need to focus on the town’s festivities. Then there was the New Year calendar to plan, which she’d yet to come up with a theme for next year’s layout.

Maybe they were overstretching with theRace Across Americasubmission.

The day before had been nice. Not thinking about work, or at least not stressing so much about it. She’d gotten a rare glimpse into life outside her office, something she hadn’t allowed herself in more than a year. Being with Trent, having fun, had reminded her of how much she was missing with her workaholic lifestyle.

And the world hadn’t ended because she’d gotten off the hamster wheel for a few hours.

Her cell phone chimed with a new text message, and picking up her phone, she read the message from Sarah:

Are we still on for the haunted house promo photos today?